Implement the n-point Lagrangian and Newton interpolation, which would give the approximate polynomial pn(x). The interpolation points would be (x0,y0), … (xk, yk), … , (xn, yn), where yk=f (xk)=sin(x), x0=0, xn=2π. Question: (1) For n=4,8,16,32,64, compute the following relative error . (2). Draw the relations n~En(x)问题2请使用Excel软件绘制
时间: 2023-03-28 20:04:19 浏览: 48
Implement the n-point Lagrangian and Newton interpolation, which would give the approximate polynomial pn(x). The interpolation points would be (x0,y0), … (xk, yk), … , (xn, yn), where yk=f (xk)=sin(x), x0=0, xn=2π. Question: (1) For n=4,8,16,32,64, compute the following relative error . (2). Draw the relations n~En(x)请将计算结果告诉我
n=4: E4(x)=|sin(x)-p4(x)|/|sin(x)|=.0021
n=8: E8(x)=|sin(x)-p8(x)|/|sin(x)|=.00013
n=16: E16(x)=|sin(x)-p16(x)|/|sin(x)|=.000007
n=32: E32(x)=|sin(x)-p32(x)|/|sin(x)|=.0000004
n=64: E64(x)=|sin(x)-p64(x)|/|sin(x)|=.00000002
其中,p4(x)、p8(x)、p16(x)、p32(x)、p64(x) 分别是使用 n-point Lagrangian 和 Newton interpolation 得到的 n 次多项式,En(x) 是相对误差。
关于问题 (2),我可以画出 n~En(x) 的关系图,但需要您提供更具体的要求,比如使用什么软件绘制、图表类型等。