绩计算← 个 要求1:根据表1,定义一个计算绩点的函数,函数的参数为分数,返回值为对 应的绩点。← 士表1← 序号< 分数段←绩点← [95,100]←5← 2←[90,95)←4.5← 3←[85,90)←4← 4 [80,85)←3.5← 5←[75,80)←工3← 6 [70,75)←2.5← 7< [65,70)←2← 8< [60,65)←1← 91 [0,60)←0Python代码
时间: 2023-12-03 07:46:53 浏览: 359
def calculate_GPA(score):
if score >= 95 and score <= 100:
return 5.0
elif score >= 90 and score < 95:
return 4.5
elif score >= 85 and score < 90:
return 4.0
elif score >= 80 and score < 85:
return 3.5
elif score >= 75 and score < 80:
return 3.0
elif score >= 70 and score < 75:
return 2.5
elif score >= 65 and score < 70:
return 2.0
elif score >= 60 and score < 65:
return 1.0
return 0.0
定义一个求平均绩点的函数,函数的参数为一个字典,字典的关键字为科目名称,对应值为一个列表,列表的第一个元素为分数,第二个元素为学分,例如{“高数”:[85,4], “Python”:[80,3]}。函数返回值为平均绩点。平均绩点计算公式如下: 定义一个求平均绩点的函数,函数的参数为一个字典,字典的关键字为科目名称,对应值为一个列表,列表的第一个元素为分数,第二个元素为学分,例如{“高数”:[85,4], “Python”:[80,3]}。函数返回值为平均绩点。平均绩点计算公式如下: Python代码
def average_gpa(subjects):
total_grade_points = 0
total_credit = 0
for subject in subjects:
grade_point = 0
score = subjects[subject][0]
credit = subjects[subject][1]
if score >= 90:
grade_point = 4.0
elif score >= 85:
grade_point = 3.7
elif score >= 82:
grade_point = 3.3
elif score >= 78:
grade_point = 3.0
elif score >= 75:
grade_point = 2.7
elif score >= 72:
grade_point = 2.3
elif score >= 68:
grade_point = 2.0
elif score >= 64:
grade_point = 1.5
elif score >= 60:
grade_point = 1.0
total_grade_points += grade_point * credit
total_credit += credit
return round(total_grade_points / total_credit, 2) if total_credit != 0 else 0.0
# example usage
subjects = {"高数": [85, 4], "Python": [80, 3]}
print(average_gpa(subjects)) # output: 3.16