帮我对这段代码进行注释:commlteMIMO_params; [prmLTEPDSCH, prmLTEDLSCH, prmMdl] = commlteMIMO_initialize(txMode, ... chanBW, contReg, modType, Eqmode,numTx, numRx,cRate,maxIter, fullDecode, chanMdl, corrLvl, ... chEstOn, snrdB, maxNumErrs, maxNumBits); clear txMode chanBW contReg modType Eqmode numTx numRx cRate maxIter fullDecode chanMdl corrLvl chEstOn snrdB maxNumErrs maxNumBits %% disp('Simulating the LTE Mode 2: Multiple Tx & Rx antrennas with transmit diversity'); zReport_data_rate(prmLTEPDSCH, prmLTEDLSCH); hPBer = comm.ErrorRate; snrdB=prmMdl.snrdB; maxNumErrs=prmMdl.maxNumErrs; maxNumBits=prmMdl.maxNumBits; %% Simulation loop nS = 0; % Slot number, one of [0:2:18] Measures = zeros(3,1); %initialize BER output while (( Measures(2)< maxNumErrs) && (Measures(3) < maxNumBits)) [dataIn, dataOut, txSig, rxSig, dataRx, yRec, csr] = ... commlteMIMO_TD_step(nS, snrdB, prmLTEDLSCH, prmLTEPDSCH, prmMdl); % Calculate bit errors Measures = step(hPBer, dataIn, dataOut); % Visualize constellations and spectrum if visualsOn, zVisualize( prmLTEPDSCH, txSig, rxSig, yRec, dataRx, csr, nS);end; % Update subframe number nS = nS + 2; if nS > 19, nS = mod(nS, 20); end; end disp(Measures);
时间: 2024-01-05 10:04:03 浏览: 116
% commlteMIMO_params;
% 该行代码是用于设置LTE MIMO模拟的参数,可能会调用其他函数或脚本文件
[prmLTEPDSCH, prmLTEDLSCH, prmMdl] = commlteMIMO_initialize(txMode, chanBW, contReg, modType, Eqmode, numTx, numRx, cRate, maxIter, fullDecode, chanMdl, corrLvl, chEstOn, snrdB, maxNumErrs, maxNumBits);
% 该行代码通过调用commlteMIMO_initialize函数来初始化LTE PDSCH和DLSCH的参数,以及模型参数,并将其赋值给对应的变量
% 其中,txMode, chanBW, contReg, modType, Eqmode, numTx, numRx, cRate, maxIter, fullDecode, chanMdl, corrLvl, chEstOn, snrdB, maxNumErrs, maxNumBits 这些变量分别表示各种参数,需要先定义并赋值才可调用该函数
clear txMode chanBW contReg modType Eqmode numTx numRx cRate maxIter fullDecode chanMdl corrLvl chEstOn snrdB maxNumErrs maxNumBits
% 该行代码用于清除之前定义过的变量
%% disp('Simulating the LTE Mode 2: Multiple Tx & Rx antrennas with transmit diversity');
% 该行代码用于输出一段文本,表示即将开始模拟LTE Mode 2的多发多收天线发送多样性模式
zReport_data_rate(prmLTEPDSCH, prmLTEDLSCH);
% 该行代码用于报告LTE的数据速率
hPBer = comm.ErrorRate;
% 该行代码用于定义一个误比特率性能指标的计算器
snrdB = prmMdl.snrdB;
maxNumErrs = prmMdl.maxNumErrs;
maxNumBits = prmMdl.maxNumBits;
% 该行代码用于从模型参数prmMdl中获取信噪比、最大误码数和最大比特数等信息
%% Simulation loop
% 进入循环,每次循环代表一个子帧的传输
nS = 0; % Slot number, one of [0:2:18]
% 初始化子帧号
Measures = zeros(3,1); %initialize BER output
% 初始化误比特率性能指标
while ((Measures(2) < maxNumErrs) && (Measures(3) < maxNumBits))
% 当误码数和比特数都小于最大值时,进行循环
[dataIn, dataOut, txSig, rxSig, dataRx, yRec, csr] = commlteMIMO_TD_step(nS, snrdB, prmLTEDLSCH, prmLTEPDSCH, prmMdl);
% 调用commlteMIMO_TD_step函数进行LTE MIMO模拟,得到传输过程中的相关信息
% Calculate bit errors
Measures = step(hPBer, dataIn, dataOut);
% 计算误比特率等性能指标
% Visualize constellations and spectrum
if visualsOn, zVisualize(prmLTEPDSCH, txSig, rxSig, yRec, dataRx, csr, nS); end;
% 如果需要可视化,则调用zVisualize函数显示星座图和频谱
% Update subframe number
nS = nS + 2; if nS > 19, nS = mod(nS, 20); end;
% 更新子帧号,如果已经到达最后一个子帧,则从头开始循环
% 输出误比特率等性能指标