时间: 2023-06-10 10:07:06 浏览: 325
module Ascon128(clk, rst, mode, key, nonce, plaintext, ciphertext, tag, valid);
parameter ROUNDS = 12;
parameter BLOCK_SIZE = 64;
input clk, rst;
input [1:0] mode;
input [127:0] key, nonce, plaintext;
output [127:0] ciphertext, tag;
output valid;
// Round constants
parameter [127:0] RC[0:11] = '{128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000,
128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000,
128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000, 128'h0000000000000000};
// S-box
function [7:0] SBox(input [7:0] x);
case (x)
8'h00: SBox = 8'h63;
8'h01: SBox = 8'h7c;
8'h02: SBox = 8'h77;
8'h03: SBox = 8'h7b;
8'h04: SBox = 8'hf2;
8'h05: SBox = 8'h6b;
8'h06: SBox = 8'h6f;
8'h07: SBox = 8'hc5;
8'h08: SBox = 8'h30;
8'h09: SBox = 8'h01;
8'h0a: SBox = 8'h67;
8'h0b: SBox = 8'h2b;
8'h0c: SBox = 8'hfe;
8'h0d: SBox = 8'hd7;
8'h0e: SBox = 8'hab;
8'h0f: SBox = 8'h76;
8'h10: SBox = 8'hca;
8'h11: SBox = 8'h82;
8'h12: SBox = 8'hc9;
8'h13: SBox = 8'h7d;
8'h14: SBox = 8'hfa;
8'h15: SBox = 8'h59;
8'h16: SBox = 8'h47;
8'h17: SBox = 8'hf0;
8'h18: SBox = 8'had;
8'h19: SBox = 8'hd4;
8'h1a: SBox = 8'ha2;
8'h1b: SBox = 8'haf;
8'h1c: SBox = 8'h9c;
8'h1d: SBox = 8'ha4;
8'h1e: SBox = 8'h72;
8'h1f: SBox = 8'hc0;
8'h20: SBox = 8'hb7;
8'h21: SBox = 8'hfd;
8'h22: SBox = 8'h93;
8'h23: SBox = 8'h26;
8'h24: SBox = 8'h36;
8'h25: SBox = 8'h3f;
8'h26: SBox = 8'hf7;
8'h27: SBox = 8'hcc;
8'h28: SBox = 8'h34;
8'h29: SBox = 8'ha5;
8'h2a: SBox = 8'he5;
8'h2b: SBox = 8'hf1;
8'h2c: SBox = 8'h71;
8'h2d: SBox = 8'hd8;
8'h2e: SBox = 8'h31;
8'h2f: SBox = 8'h15;
8'h30: SBox = 8'h04;
8'h31: SBox = 8'hc7;
8'h32: SBox = 8'h23;
8'h33: SBox = 8'hc3;
8'h34: SBox = 8'h18;
8'h35: SBox = 8'h96;
8'h36: SBox = 8'h05;
8'h37: SBox = 8'h9a;
8'h38: SBox = 8'h07;
8'h39: SBox = 8'h12;
8'h3a: SBox = 8'hab;
8'h3b: SBox = 8'h80;
8'h3c: SBox = 8'he2;
8'h3d: SBox = 8'heb;
8'h3e: SBox = 8'h27;
8'h3f: SBox = 8'hb2;
8'h40: SBox = 8'h75;
8'h41: SBox = 8'h09;
8'h42: SBox = 8'h83;
8'h43: SBox = 8'h2c;
8'h44: SBox = 8'h1a;
8'h45: SBox = 8'h1b;
8'h46: SBox = 8'h6e;
8'h47: SBox = 8'h5a;
8'h48: SBox = 8'ha0;
8'h49: SBox = 8'h52;
8'h4a: SBox = 8'h3b;
8'h4b: SBox = 8'hd6;
8'h4c: SBox = 8'hb3;
8'h4d: SBox = 8'h29;
8'h4e: SBox = 8'he3;
8'h4f: SBox = 8'h2f;
8'h50: SBox = 8'h84;
8'h51: SBox = 8'hd2;
8'h52: SBox = 8'h1f;
8'h53: SBox = 8'hb5;
8'h54: SBox = 8'h0b;
8'h55: SBox = 8'h8f;
8'h56: SBox = 8'h0e;
8'h57: SBox = 8'hab;
8'h58: SBox = 8'h16;
8'h59: SBox = 8'hc6;
8'h5a: SBox = 8'hb4;
8'h5b: SBox = 8'hc2;
8'h5c: SBox = 8'h3e;
8'h5d: SBox = 8'h5e;
8'h5e: SBox = 8'h27;
8'h5f: SBox = 8'h46;
8'h60: SBox = 8'h58;
8'h61: SBox = 8'hdf;
8'h62: SBox = 8'hd0;
8'h63: SBox = 8'hef;
8'h64: SBox = 8'haa;
8'h65: SBox = 8'hfb;
8'h66: SBox = 8'h43;
8'h67: SBox = 8'h4d;
8'h68: SBox = 8'h33;
8'h69: SBox = 8'hd9;
8'h6a: SBox = 8'h98;
8'h6b: SBox = 8'hc1;
8'h6c: SBox = 8'h8c;
8'h6d: SBox = 8'h9d;
8'h6e: SBox = 8'h5d;
8'h6f: SBox = 8'h65;
// Permutation function
function [127:0] P(input [127:0] state);
reg [127:0] out;
reg [127:0] x, y, z;
integer i;
out = state;
for (i = 0; i < ROUNDS; i = i + 1) begin
x = out[127:64];
y = out[63:32];
z = out[31:0];
// Add round constant
y = y ^ RC[i];
// S-box
x = {SBox(x[7:0]), SBox(x[15:8]), SBox(x[23:16]), SBox(x[31:24]), SBox(x[39:32]), SBox(x[47:40]), SBox(x[55:48]), SBox(x[63:56])};
y = {SBox(y[7:0]), SBox(y[15:8]), SBox(y[23:16]), SBox(y[31:24]), SBox(y[39:32]), SBox(y[47:40]), SBox(y[55:48]), SBox(y[63:56])};
z = {SBox(z[7:0]), SBox(z[15:8]), SBox(z[23:16]), SBox(z[31:24]), SBox(z[39:32]), SBox(z[47:40]), SBox(z[55:48]), SBox(z[63:56])};
// Linear diffusion layer
out = {x[0]^y[0]^z[0], x[8]^y[8]^z[8], x[16]^y[16]^z[16], x[24]^y[24]^z[24],
x[32]^y[32]^z[32], x[40]^y[40]^z[40], x[48]^y[48]^z[48], x[56]^y[56]^z[56],
x[1]^y[1]^z[1], x[9]^y[9]^z[9], x[17]^y[17]^z[17], x[25]^y[25]^z[25],
x[33]^y[33]^z[33], x[41]^y[41]^z[41], x[49]^y[49]^z[49], x[57]^y[57]^z[57],
x[2]^y[2]^z[2], x[10]^y[10]^z[10], x[18]^y[18]^z[18], x[26]^y[26]^z[26],
x[34]^y[34]^z[34], x[42]^y[42]^z[42], x[50]^y[50]^z[50], x[58]^y[58]^z[58],
x[3]^y[3]^z[3], x[11]^y[11]^z[11], x[19]^y[19]^z[19], x[27]^y[27]^z[27],
x[35]^y[35]^z[35], x[43]^y[43]^z[43], x[51]^y[51]^z[51], x[59]^y[59]^z[59],
x[4]^y[4]^z[4], x[12]^y[12]^z[12], x[20]^y[20]^z[20], x[28]^y[28]^z[28],
x[36]^y[36]^z[36], x[44]^y[44]^z[44], x[52]^y[52]^z[52], x[60]^y[60]^z[60],
x[5]^y[5]^z[5], x[13]^y[13]^z[13], x[21]^y[21]^z[21], x[29]^y[29]^z[29],
x[37]^y[37]^z[37], x[45]^y[45]^z[45], x[53]^y[53]^z[53], x[61]^y[61]^z[61],
x[6]^y[6]^z[6], x[14]^y[14]^z[14], x[22]^y[22]^z[22], x[30]^y[30]^z[30],
x[38]^y[38]^z[38], x[46]^y[46]^z[46], x[54]^y[54]^z[54], x[62]^y[62]^z[62],
x[7]^y[7]^z[7], x[15]^y[15]^z[15], x[23]^y[23]^z[23], x[31]^y[31]^z[31],
x[39]^y[39]^z[39], x[47]^y[47]^z[47], x[55]^y[55]^z[55], x[63]^y[63]^z[63]};
P = out;
// Encryption function
function [127:0] Encrypt(input [127:0] plaintext, input [127:0] key, input [127:0] nonce);
reg [127:0] state, out, k, n;
integer i;
// Initial state
state = {nonce, 128'h0000000000000000};
// Key and nonce setup
k = key;
n = nonce;
// Absorb key
state[127:64] = state[127:64] ^ k;
state = P(state);
k = k ^ state[127:64];
// Absorb nonce
state[127:64] = state[127:64] ^ n;
state = P(state);
n = n ^ state[127:64];
// Absorb associated data (mode != 0)
if (mode != 0) begin
for (i = 0; i < $size(plaintext)/BLOCK_SIZE; i = i + 1) begin
state[127:64] = state[127:64] ^ plaintext[i*BLOCK_SIZE +: BLOCK_SIZE];
state = P(state);
// Encrypt plaintext (mode == 0 or 1)
out = 128'h0000000000000000;
for (i = 0; i < $size(plaintext)/BLOCK_SIZE; i = i + 1) begin
state[127:64] = state[127:64] ^ plaintext[i*BLOCK_SIZE +: BLOCK_SIZE];
out[i*BLOCK_SIZE +: BLOCK_SIZE] = state[127:64] ^ plaintext[i*BLOCK_SIZE +: BLOCK_SIZE];
state = P(state);
// Generate tag (mode == 0 or 2)
tag = state[127:64] ^ k ^ (mode == 0 ? 128'h0000000000000000 : n);
Encrypt = out;
reg [127:0] ciphertext_reg, tag_reg;
reg valid_reg;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
ciphertext_reg <= 128'h0000000000000000;
tag_reg <= 128'h0000000000000000;
valid_reg <= 0;
end else begin
case (mode)
2'b00: begin // Encryption mode
ciphertext_reg <= Encrypt(plaintext, key, nonce);
tag_reg <= 128'h0000000000000000;
valid_reg <= 1;
2'b01: begin // Encryption mode with authentication
ciphertext_reg <= Encrypt(plaintext, key, nonce);
tag_reg <= Encrypt(128'h0000000000000000, key, nonce);
valid_reg <= 1;
2'b10: begin // Authentication mode
ciphertext_reg <= 128'h0000000000000000;
tag_reg <= Encrypt(plaintext, key, nonce);
valid_reg <= 1;
2'b11: begin // Authentication only mode
ciphertext_reg <= 128'h0000000000000000;
tag_reg <= Encrypt(128'h0000000000000000, key, nonce);
valid_reg <= 1;
assign ciphertext = ciphertext_reg;
assign tag = tag_reg;
assign valid = valid