alert.setMessage(msg.obj == null ? "从购物车中移除超市商品失败!" : msg.obj.toString());
时间: 2024-06-05 11:09:59 浏览: 71
这是一段 Android 开发中的代码,其中 `setMessage()` 是 AlertDialog 类的方法,用于设置弹窗的消息内容。`msg` 是 Handler 类中的消息对象,`obj` 是其中的一个属性,表示消息所携带的数据对象。这段代码的作用是如果 `obj` 为 null,则弹窗消息内容为 "从购物车中移除超市商品失败!",否则将 `obj` 转为字符串并设置为消息内容。
alert.setTitle("提示"); alert.setMessage(msg.obj == null ? "购买请求处理失败!" : msg.obj.toString()); alert.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "确定", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { //finish掉购物车窗口 finish(); } });;
给这个方法添加单元测试: public String cloneMessage(CisMonitorData data){"Starting process to clone and publish message to queue for request id {}", data.getTdsStpId()); CisPubTds cisPubTds = monitorDao.getTdsPubRequestById(data.getTdsStpId()); if(cisPubTds == null){ return CisTStpConstants.MSG_1; } if(cisPubTds.getMessage() == null){ return CisTStpConstants.MSG_2; } if(data.getUser() == null){ return CisTStpConstants.MSG_18; } if(data.getComment() != null && data.getComment().length() > 250){ return CisTStpConstants.MSG_19; } String status = null; try { CisPubTds clonePubTds = (CisPubTds)cisPubTds.clone(); clonePubTds.setTdsStpId(null); clonePubTds.setCreatedDate(new Date()); clonePubTds.setCreatedBy(data.getUser()); clonePubTds.setIsStpEd(0); clonePubTds.setStpEdAt(null); clonePubTds.setUserComment(data.getComment()); clonePubTds = monitorDao.saveOrUpdatePubTds(clonePubTds); if(clonePubTds != null && clonePubTds.getTdsStpId() != null && clonePubTds.getTdsStpId() > 0) {"Updating the XML message for cloned request with new TDS STP id : {}", clonePubTds.getTdsStpId()); /Update tracking ID in SCBML message and save it to database/ Document doc = DocumentUtility.StringToDocument(clonePubTds.getMessage()); DocumentUtility.updateNodeValue(doc, clonePubTds.getTdsStpId()); String updatedXml = DocumentUtility.DocumentToString(doc); clonePubTds.setMessage(updatedXml); clonePubTds = monitorDao.saveOrUpdatePubTds(clonePubTds); /End/"Update of the XML message for cloned request with new TDS STP id : {} is completed", clonePubTds.getTdsStpId());"Publishing the cloned message"); boolean statusBool = publish(clonePubTds); if(statusBool){ status = CisTStpConstants.MSG_SUCCESS; }"End of publish with statusBool : {}", statusBool);"End of publish with status : {}", status); }else { status = CisTStpConstants.MSG_8; }"End process to clone and publish message to queue for request id {}", data.getTdsStpId()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { status = CisTStpConstants.MSG_7; log.error("Error while cloning the object {}", e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while creating object {}", e); } return status; }
Sure, here's an example of how you can write unit tests for the given method using JUnit:
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import java.util.Date;
public class ExampleUnitTest {
private MonitorDao monitorDao = mock(MonitorDao.class);
private ExampleClass exampleClass = new ExampleClass(monitorDao);
public void testCloneMessage() throws Exception {
// Arrange
CisMonitorData data = new CisMonitorData();
data.setUser("Test User");
data.setComment("Test Comment");
CisPubTds cisPubTds = new CisPubTds();
cisPubTds.setMessage("Test Message");
// Act
String result = exampleClass.cloneMessage(data);
// Assert
assertEquals(CisTStpConstants.MSG_SUCCESS, result);
In this example, we are using Mockito to mock the `MonitorDao` object. We create a `CisMonitorData` object and set its properties. We also create a `CisPubTds` object and set its properties. We then use the `when` method to mock the `getTdsPubRequestById` method of the `monitorDao` object to return the `cisPubTds` object when called with argument `123`. We then call the `cloneMessage` method of `ExampleClass` with the `data` object as argument and store the result in the `result` variable. Finally, we use the `assertEquals` method to assert that the result is equal to `CisTStpConstants.MSG_SUCCESS`.
You can write similar tests for other scenarios, such as when `monitorDao.getTdsPubRequestById` returns null, or when `data.getUser` is null, etc.