route_sequence[i][j] in route_sequence[i][1:-1]是啥意思

时间: 2024-01-02 08:03:15 浏览: 25
这个语句是 Python 中的切片语法,其中 route_sequence 是一个列表,route_sequence[i] 表示取出这个列表中第 i 个元素。而 route_sequence[i][1:-1] 则表示取出 route_sequence[i] 列表中下标从 1 到倒数第二个元素之间的所有元素,即去除了列表的第一个和最后一个元素。

for k in range(len(route_sequence)): include = np.array([0 for j in range(len(route_sequence[k])) for a in range(1,customer_number+1)])#最终结果是一个大小为 (len(route_sequence[k]) * customer_number) 的全0数组。 for a in range(1,customer_number+1): for j in range(1, len(route_sequence[k]) - 1): if a in route_sequence[k][1:-1]: #在列表route_sequence中,取出第k个元素的第j个值,判断是否在该元素的除第一个和最后一个元素以外的部分中出现过。如果出现过,则返回True,否则返回False include[k][a] = 1 这段代码报错for k in range(len(route_sequence)): include = np.array([0 for j in range(len(route_sequence[k])) for a in range(1,customer_number+1)])#最终结果是一个大小为 (len(route_sequence[k]) * customer_number) 的全0数组。 for a in range(1,customer_number+1): for j in range(1, len(route_sequence[k]) - 1): if a in route_sequence[k][1:-1]: #在列表route_sequence中,取出第k个元素的第j个值,判断是否在该元素的除第一个和最后一个元素以外的部分中出现过。如果出现过,则返回True,否则返回False include[k][a] = 1 怎么改

这段代码的问题在于 include[k][a] 的写法是错误的,因为 include 是一个二维 numpy 数组,应该使用 include[k, a] 的方式来访问和修改元素。下面是修改后的代码: ``` for k in range(len(route_sequence)): include = np.array([[0 for j in range(len(route_sequence[k]))] for a in range(1,customer_number+1)]) for a in range(1,customer_number+1): for j in range(1, len(route_sequence[k]) - 1): if a in route_sequence[k][1:-1]: include[k, a-1] = 1 ``` 另外需要注意的是,由于 include 数组是从 0 开始索引的,因此在访问 include 数组时需要将 a 的值减 1。

include = np.array([[0 for i in range(customer_number)] for k in range(len(route_sequence))]) for i in range(1,customer_number+1): if i in route_sequence[k]: include[k][i-1]=1这段代码不起作用

这段代码可能存在一些语法错误,可能是因为代码中的空格不正确导致的。 以下是可能的修改建议: 1. 在 `np.array` 中的 `0` 和 `for` 之间添加空格,确保语法正确。 2. 在 `range` 函数中添加参数,以指定循环的范围。 3. 检查 `route_sequence` 和 `customer_number` 的值是否已定义。 修改后的代码如下所示: ```python include = np.array([[0 for i in range(customer_number)] for k in range(len(route_sequence))]) for i in range(1, customer_number+1): if i in route_sequence[k]: include[k][i-1] = 1 ``` 注意:这段代码可能还需要其他上下文和变量定义才能正常运行。


用c++解决pipeline system consists of N transfer station, some of which are connected by pipelines. For each of M pipelines the numbers of stations A[i] and B[i], which are connected by this pipeline, and its profitability C[i] are known. A profitability of a pipeline is an amount of dollars, which will be daily yielded in taxes by transferring the gas through this pipeline. Each two stations are connected by not more than one pipeline. The system was built by Soviet engineers, who knew exactly, that the gas was transferred from Ukrainian gas fields to Siberia and not the reverse. That is why the pipelines are unidirectional, i.e. each pipeline allows gas transfer from the station number A[i] to the station number B[i] only. More over, if it is possible to transfer the gas from the station X to the station Y (perhaps, through some intermediate stations), then the reverse transfer from Y to X is impossible. It is known that the gas arrives to the starting station number S and should be dispatched to the buyers on the final station number F. The President ordered the Government to find a route (i.e. a linear sequence of stations which are connected by pipelines) to transfer the gas from the starting to the final station. A profitability of this route should be maximal. A profitability of a route is a total profitability of its pipelines. Unfortunately, the President did not consider that some pipelines ceased to exist long ago, and, as a result, the gas transfer between the starting and the final stations may appear to be impossible... Input The first line contains the integer numbers N (2 ≤ N ≤ 500) and M (0 ≤ M ≤ 124750). Each of the next M lines contains the integer numbers A[i], B[i] (1 ≤ A[i], B[i] ≤ N) and C[i] (1 ≤ C[i] ≤ 10000) for the corresponding pipeline. The last line contains the integer numbers S and F (1 ≤ S, F ≤ N; S ≠ F). Output If the desired route exists, you should output its profitability. Otherwise you should output "No solution".




 即如果在使用Route Maps语句时不指定Sequence Number,则覆盖Sequence Number为10的默认条目。  Route Maps Deny Action:  Redistribution: 特定路由条目不会被重分布。  Policy Routing: 特定的Packets...












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