python opencv Criminisi 算法的具体实现

时间: 2024-02-03 08:14:55 浏览: 49
Criminisi算法是一种图像修复算法,可以用于填补图像中的缺失区域。下面是Python OpenCV实现Criminisi算法的具体步骤: 1.导入必要的库和图像 ```python import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread('input.jpg') mask = cv2.imread('mask.jpg', 0) ``` 2.初始化图像和掩码 ```python rows, cols, _ = img.shape dst = np.zeros_like(img) # Create a binary mask of the missing area mask[mask > 0] = 255 ``` 3.实现Criminisi算法 ```python # Set the size of the search window w_size = 11 # Initialize the priority queue p_queue = [] # Loop through each pixel in the mask for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): if mask[i, j] == 0: continue # Get the patch to be filled patch = img[max(0, i-w_size):min(rows, i+w_size+1), max(0, j-w_size):min(cols, j+w_size+1)] # Get the mask for the patch patch_mask = mask[max(0, i-w_size):min(rows, i+w_size+1), max(0, j-w_size):min(cols, j+w_size+1)] # Get the confidence value for each pixel in the patch confidence = np.zeros(patch.shape[:2]) confidence[patch_mask == 0] = 1 # Get the priority value for each pixel in the patch priority = np.zeros(patch.shape[:2]) priority[patch_mask == 0] = np.inf # Add the patch to the priority queue p_queue.append((i, j, patch, confidence, priority)) ``` 4.填充缺失区域 ```python # Loop through each pixel in the priority queue while p_queue: # Get the pixel with the highest priority value i, j, patch, confidence, priority = max(p_queue, key=lambda x: np.min(x[4])) # Get the mask for the patch patch_mask = mask[max(0, i-w_size):min(rows, i+w_size+1), max(0, j-w_size):min(cols, j+w_size+1)] # Compute the fill value for each pixel in the patch fill = cv2.inpaint(patch, patch_mask, 3, cv2.INPAINT_TELEA) # Update the destination image and mask dst[i, j] = fill[patch_mask == 255] mask[i, j] = 0 # Update the confidence and priority values for each pixel in the patch confidence[patch_mask == 255] = 1 priority[patch_mask == 255] = np.inf # Update the priority queue p_queue.remove((i, j, patch, confidence, priority)) for ii in range(max(0, i-w_size), min(rows, i+w_size+1)): for jj in range(max(0, j-w_size), min(cols, j+w_size+1)): if mask[ii, jj] == 0: continue # Get the patch to be filled new_patch = img[max(0, ii-w_size):min(rows, ii+w_size+1), max(0, jj-w_size):min(cols, jj+w_size+1)] # Get the mask for the patch new_patch_mask = mask[max(0, ii-w_size):min(rows, ii+w_size+1), max(0, jj-w_size):min(cols, jj+w_size+1)] # Compute the confidence value for each pixel in the patch new_confidence = np.zeros(new_patch.shape[:2]) new_confidence[new_patch_mask == 0] = 1 # Compute the priority value for each pixel in the patch new_priority = np.zeros(new_patch.shape[:2]) new_priority[new_patch_mask == 0] = np.inf # Add the patch to the priority queue p_queue.append((ii, jj, new_patch, new_confidence, new_priority)) ``` 5.保存修复后的图像 ```python cv2.imwrite('output.jpg', dst) ``` 以上就是Python OpenCV实现Criminisi算法的具体步骤。




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