function words = main_process(bw, flag_display) if nargin < 2 flag_display =
时间: 2023-05-12 19:00:34 浏览: 133
if nargin==6 data_flag='C'; show_result=1;
if nargin < 3 nmax = 10; if nargin < 2 lambda = 1.5; if nargin < 1 Ds = 2.3; end end end
This code sets default values for the input arguments if they are not provided by the user.
If the number of input arguments (nargin) is less than 3, then the variable "nmax" is set to 10.
If the number of input arguments is less than 2, then the variable "lambda" is set to 1.5.
If the number of input arguments is less than 1, then the variable "Ds" is set to 2.3.