{ logp1 log(1-p1)
时间: 2023-07-27 18:03:53 浏览: 172
"logp1" 表示 p1 取值为 1 时的自然对数,也即 log(p1)。
"log(1-p1)" 表示 p1 取值为 0 时的自然对数,也即 log(1-p1)。
对于数值范围在 0 到 1 之间的概率 p1,有以下几种情况:
当 p1 = 0 时,logp1 的计算结果是负无穷大,因为 log(0) 的结果为负无穷大。
当 p1 = 1 时,logp1 的计算结果是 0,因为 log(1) 的结果为 0。
当 0 < p1 < 1 时,logp1 的计算结果是一个负数,具体数值取决于 p1 的大小。而 log(1-p1) 的计算结果也是一个负数,取决于 p1 的大小。
若 p1 较接近 0,则 logp1 趋近于负无穷大,log(1-p1) 趋近于 0。
若 p1 较接近 1,则 logp1 趋近于 0,log(1-p1) 趋近于负无穷大。
总结来说,logp1 和 log(1-p1) 的结果都是负数,其中 logp1 的结果在 p1 为 0 时为负无穷大,在 p1 为 1 时为 0。而 log(1-p1) 的结果在 p1 为 0 时为 0,在 p1 为 1 时为负无穷大。对于其他 0 到 1 之间的概率 p1,logp1 和 log(1-p1) 的结果都是负数,数值会随着 p1 的接近 0 或 1 而逐渐趋近负无穷大或 0。
帮我补充代码:class LanguageModel(LanguageModel): def get_unigram_logp(self, unigram): """Computes the log-probability of unigram under this LanguageModel. Args: unigram (str): Unigram for which to compute the log-probability. Returns: log_p (float): Log-probability of unigram under this LanguageModel. """ ### Begin your code ### End your code def get_bigram_logp(self, w_1, w_2): """Computes the log-probability of unigram under this LanguageModel. Note: Use self.lambda_ for the unigram-bigram interpolation factor. Args: w_1 (str): First word in bigram. w_2 (str): Second word in bigram. Returns: log_p (float): Log-probability of bigram under this LanguageModel. """ ### Begin your code ### End your code def get_query_logp(self, query): """Computes the log-probability of query under this LanguageModel. Args: query (str): Whitespace-delimited sequence of terms in the query. Returns: log_p (float): Log-probability assigned to the query under this LanguageModel. """ ### Begin your code ### End your code
在class LanguageModel的基础上,补充完整代码如下:
class LanguageModel(LanguageModel):
def get_unigram_logp(self, unigram):
"""Computes the log-probability of unigram under this LanguageModel.
unigram (str): Unigram for which to compute the log-probability.
log_p (float): Log-probability of unigram under this LanguageModel.
count_w1 = self.unigram_counts[unigram]
total_tokens = self.total_num_tokens
V = len(self.unigram_counts)
log_p = np.log((count_w1 + self.lambda_) / (total_tokens + self.lambda_ * V))
return log_p
def get_bigram_logp(self, w_1, w_2):
"""Computes the log-probability of unigram under this LanguageModel.
Note: Use self.lambda_ for the unigram-bigram interpolation factor.
w_1 (str): First word in bigram.
w_2 (str): Second word in bigram.
log_p (float): Log-probability of bigram under this LanguageModel.
count_w1w2 = self.bigram_counts[(w_1, w_2)]
count_w1 = self.unigram_counts[w_1]
total_tokens = self.total_num_tokens
V = len(self.unigram_counts)
log_p = np.log((count_w1w2 + self.lambda_) / (count_w1 + self.lambda_ * V)) + np.log((count_w1 + self.lambda_) / (total_tokens + self.lambda_ * V))
return log_p
def get_query_logp(self, query):
"""Computes the log-probability of query under this LanguageModel.
query (str): Whitespace-delimited sequence of terms in the query.
log_p (float): Log-probability assigned to the query under this LanguageModel.
log_p = 0.0
query_tokens = query.split()
for i, token in enumerate(query_tokens):
if i == 0:
log_p += self.get_unigram_logp(token)
log_p += self.get_bigram_logp(query_tokens[i-1], token)
return log_p
loss = -(y1logp1 + y2logp2 + y3logp3 + … + ynlogpn)
对于交叉熵损失函数的计算公式:$loss = -(y_1\log(p_1) + y_2\log(p_2) + y_3\log(p_3) + \ldots + y_n\log(p_n))$,其中$y_i$是目标类别的标签,$p_i$是模型对类别$i$的预测概率。
在计算过程中,通常会使用softmax函数将模型的输出转化为概率分布。softmax函数将模型输出的原始值映射到[0, 1]的范围内,并且所有类别的概率之和为1。这样,$p_i$表示了模型对类别$i$的预测概率。