cmake build
时间: 2023-10-21 14:35:21 浏览: 59
您需要更具体地说明您需要什么类型的CMake构建。CMake是一个跨平台的构建自动化工具,可以帮助您生成Makefiles、Visual Studio项目等,以便于编译和构建您的代码。您可以使用CMake编写C ++、Python、Java等语言的构建脚本。请告诉我您需要什么样的构建,我可以为您提供更具体的帮助。
cp cmake/config.cmake build
`cp` 是一个在Unix/Linux系统中常用的命令,用于复制文件或目录。在CMake构建环境中,当你想把 `cmake/config.cmake` 文件从某个位置复制到 `build` 目录下时,你可以使用以下命令:
cp cmake/config.cmake build/
这条命令会将 `cmake/config.cmake` 文件从当前工作目录下的 `cmake` 子目录复制到 `build` 子目录中。
如果你想要确保源文件和目标文件在同一级别(即`cmake` 和 `build` 相邻),可以调整命令为:
cp cmake/config.cmake ../build/
这将把 `config.cmake` 复制到上一级目录的 `build` 中。
CMake's `BUILD_INTERFACE` is a generator expression that is used to specify build-time dependencies or paths. It allows you to control the behavior of targets during the build process.
When using `BUILD_INTERFACE`, you can specify paths or include directories that are only relevant during the build phase of your project. These paths or directories will not be propagated to consuming projects when they link against your target.
For example, if you have a library target and you want to include some header files only during the build process, you can use `BUILD_INTERFACE` in conjunction with `target_include_directories()`. This ensures that the headers are only included when building your target, but not when using your library as a dependency.
Here's an example:
In this example, `${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include` is included only during the build process, while `include` is included when using the installed library.
Note that `BUILD_INTERFACE` is evaluated during the configuration step, so any paths or dependencies specified with it should be available at configure time.