PSI python
时间: 2023-10-28 14:58:16 浏览: 103
PSI,全称为Python Software Inventory,是一个用于分析和报告Python软件包的工具。它可以帮助你了解你的Python环境中安装了哪些软件包以及它们的版本信息。你可以使用PSI来生成一个清单,以便在不同的Python环境中进行软件包的复制和部署。
mpmath.psi python_PI的100种计算方法
import mpmath
# 计算psi函数
x = 2.5
result = mpmath.psi(x)
print("psi({}) = {}".format(x, result))
# 计算π的100位数字 = 100
result = mpmath.pi
print("π = {}".format(result))
python PSI
PSI (Python System Information) is a Python library that provides an interface to retrieve system-related information. It allows you to access various system information such as CPU, memory, disks, network, and more, using a simple and consistent API.
To use PSI, you need to install it first. You can install it using pip by running the following command:
pip install psi
Once installed, you can use PSI to retrieve system information in your Python code. Here's an example of how to use PSI to get CPU information:
import psi
cpu_info = psi.cpu()
This will print out the CPU information of your system. Similarly, you can use other functions provided by PSI to retrieve information about memory, disks, network, and other system components.
Keep in mind that PSI may require certain permissions or administrative privileges to access certain system information, depending on the platform you are using.