!RET&(!DFTRAMBYP&((TENA&! QNAPA&! CENA)|(!TENA&!TONAPA&!TCENA)) IDFTRAMBYP) &EMAA[2]&EMAA[1]&EMAA[O]&EMASA use de morgan llaw to split this to the sum of product form using perl
时间: 2024-01-31 15:03:24 浏览: 63
Here's an example Perl code that uses De Morgan's law to split the given expression into the sum of product form:
# Negate the entire expression
$expr =~ s/(\w+)/!$1/g;
# Apply De Morgan's law to split the negation over the conjunctions
my @terms = split /&/, $expr;
my @factors;
for my $term (@terms) {
my @negations = $term =~ /!(\w+)/g;
my @variables = $term =~ /(\w+)/g;
my $negated = join("|", map("!$_", @negations));
my $factor = "$negated&" . join("&", @variables);
push @factors, $factor;
# Print the sum of product form
my $sop = join("|", @factors);
print "$sop\n";
Note that this code assumes that the variables in the expression are composed of alphanumeric characters and underscores, and that the negation operator is represented by an exclamation mark (!). If your expression uses a different syntax, you may need to modify the regular expressions accordingly.