时间: 2024-03-21 22:43:28 浏览: 62
以下是一个简单的基于自然语言处理的中文关系抽取示例代码,使用的是Stanford CoreNLP工具:
import os
from stanfordcorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05"))
text = "张三在华为工作,他的上级是李四。"
# 分词
tokens = nlp.word_tokenize(text)
# 命名实体识别
ner_tags = nlp.ner(text)
ner_dict = {}
for i in range(len(ner_tags)):
if ner_tags[i][1] != 'O':
ner_dict[i] = (ner_tags[i][0], ner_tags[i][1])
# 依存句法分析
parse_result = nlp.dependency_parse(text)
# 抽取人与人之间的关系
for i in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[i][0] == 'nsubj':
for j in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[j][0] == 'nsubj' and parse_result[j][1] == parse_result[i][1]:
if i in ner_dict and j in ner_dict and ner_dict[i][1] == 'PERSON' and ner_dict[j][1] == 'PERSON':
print(ner_dict[i][0], "是", ner_dict[j][0], "的下属")
# 抽取人与组织机构之间的关系
for i in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[i][0] == 'nsubj':
for j in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[j][0] == 'nsubj' and parse_result[j][1] == parse_result[i][1]:
if i in ner_dict and j in ner_dict and ner_dict[i][1] == 'PERSON' and ner_dict[j][1] == 'ORGANIZATION':
print(ner_dict[i][0], "在", ner_dict[j][0], "工作")
# 抽取组织机构与组织机构之间的关系
for i in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[i][0] == 'nsubj':
for j in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[j][0] == 'nsubj' and parse_result[j][1] == parse_result[i][1]:
if i in ner_dict and j in ner_dict and ner_dict[i][1] == 'ORGANIZATION' and ner_dict[j][1] == 'ORGANIZATION':
print(ner_dict[i][0], "是", ner_dict[j][0], "的合作伙伴")
# 抽取人与物之间的关系
for i in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[i][0] == 'nsubj':
for j in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[j][0] == 'nsubj' and parse_result[j][1] == parse_result[i][1]:
if i in ner_dict and j in ner_dict and ner_dict[i][1] == 'PERSON' and ner_dict[j][1] != 'PERSON' and ner_dict[j][1] != 'ORGANIZATION':
print(ner_dict[i][0], "拥有", ner_dict[j][0])
# 抽取物与组织机构之间的关系
for i in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[i][0] == 'nsubj':
for j in range(len(parse_result)):
if parse_result[j][0] == 'nsubj' and parse_result[j][1] == parse_result[i][1]:
if i in ner_dict and j in ner_dict and ner_dict[i][1] != 'PERSON' and ner_dict[i][1] != 'ORGANIZATION' and ner_dict[j][1] == 'ORGANIZATION':
print(ner_dict[i][0], "属于", ner_dict[j][0])