时间: 2024-05-20 18:16:40 浏览: 55
This line of code uses the function bwlabel to label connected components in a binary image. The input argument bw2 is the binary image to be labeled. The output arguments L and Ne are the labeled image and the number of connected components, respectively.
L is a matrix of the same size as bw2, where each pixel is assigned a label that corresponds to the connected component it belongs to. The background pixels are labeled 0.
Ne is an integer that represents the total number of connected components in the binary image.
[IBW2, Ne] = bwlabel(BW2, 8);里面的8是什么意思
report.append(" .env")
report.append8是bwlabel函数的输入参数之一,表示连通区域的类型。在二值图像中,像素点(" SQL Injection: %s" % target_url)
report.append(" XSS: %s" % target_url)
report.append的连通关系有两种类型:4连通和8连通。当连通类型为4连通时,只(" CSRF: %s" % target_url)
report.append(" File Inclusion: %s" % target_url)
report有上下左右四个方向的像素点被认为是相邻的。而当连通类型为8连.append(" File Upload: %s" % target_url)
return "\n".join(report)
# 主函数
通时,除了上下左右四个方向的像素点,还有四个斜方向的像素点def main():
# 解析命令行参数
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Python Vulnerability Scanner")
while (min(Ar)<ar2) L = bwlabel(bW_st1); stats = regionprops(L); Ar = cat(1, stats.Area); ind = find(Ar ==); bW_st1(find(L==ind(1)))=0; end 改为for循坏
将 `while` 循环改为 `for` 循环的话,可以这样写:
for i = 1:ar2
L = bwlabel(bW_st1);
stats = regionprops(L);
Ar = cat(1, stats.Area);
ind = find(Ar == min(Ar));
bW_st1(find(L == ind(1))) = 0;
这样,代码将会执行 `ar2` 次循环,每次循环都会计算一次 `stats.Area`,找到其中最小值的索引,并将对应的区域从 `bW_st1` 中删除。