Action listener
时间: 2024-05-25 18:15:25 浏览: 136
An action listener is a Java interface that is used to handle events generated by user actions, such as clicking a button or selecting an item from a drop-down menu. It provides a way for developers to write code that responds to these events in a specific way, such as updating the user interface or performing some other action. The ActionListener interface defines a single method, actionPerformed(), which is called when an event occurs. Developers can implement this method to define the behavior that should occur when the event is triggered. The ActionListener interface is commonly used in graphical user interface (GUI) programming to provide interactivity and responsiveness to user input.
java jum- java-04面向对象进阶-01-接口-匿名内部类Action Listener
在Java中,"Listener"通常是指事件监听器,用于响应某个特定事件的发生。当你需要为某个组件(如按钮、文本框等)添加事件处理程序时,可以使用ActionListener接口。ActionListener是一个接口,它包含三个方法:actionPerformed(ActionEvent e),当动作发生时会被调用。
JButton button = new JButton("Click me");
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
System.out.println("Button clicked");
When the user then clicks on the button, the action listener of the button must read the name of the library user that was typed in the text field (using the getText method of the text field) and must call the getBook method of the controller with that user name as argument. The getBook method of the controller returns a string as result which must then be displayed back to the user using a message dialog (using the showMessageDialog method of the JOptionPane class). For example:
Sure, here's an example code that implements the functionality you described:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class LibraryGUI extends JFrame {
private JTextField userField;
private JButton getBookButton;
private Controller controller;
public LibraryGUI() {
super("Library GUI");
controller = new Controller(); // assuming you have a Controller class
// create components
userField = new JTextField(20);
getBookButton = new JButton("Get Book");
// add action listener to button
getBookButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String user = userField.getText();
String book = controller.getBook(user);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, book);
// add components to content pane
JPanel contentPane = (JPanel) getContentPane();
contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
contentPane.add(new JLabel("Enter library user:"));
// set window properties
public static void main(String[] args) {
new LibraryGUI();
In this example, when the user clicks on the "Get Book" button, the action listener reads the name of the library user typed in the text field, calls the `getBook` method of the controller with that user name as argument, and displays the resulting string in a message dialog. Note that the `JOptionPane.showMessageDialog` method is used to display the message dialog.