java assert false_java中assert基本使用 | 学步园
时间: 2023-10-27 12:27:51 浏览: 102
assert condition;
assert condition : "Error message";
这样,如果condition为false,assert语句就会抛出一个包含"Error message"信息的AssertionError异常。需要注意的是,在Java 1.4之前,assert语句是被禁用的。要想启用assert语句,需要在运行Java程序时使用-enableassertions(或-ea)选项。例如:
java -ea MyClass
Java assert
Java assert 断言机制是 Java 5 中推出的新特性,它主要用于在程序运行时检查状态或假设的正确性,并在不正确时抛出 AssertionError 异常。使用 assert 断言可以使代码更加健壮、可靠,提高程序的可维护性和可读性。Java assert 断言的基本语法格式如下: assert condition : error message;,其中 condition 是一个布尔表达式,如果为 false,则会抛出 AssertionError 异常,error message 是可选的错误信息。Java assert 断言引入了一个新的关键字 assert,用于定义一个条件表达式,并在条件不满足时中断程序执行并抛出 AssertionError 异常。
java assert
The assert keyword in Java is used to test assumptions about a program's correctness during runtime. It is a debugging aid that helps to catch bugs early in the development process.
The syntax for using assert in Java is:
assert booleanExpression;
Here, booleanExpression is the condition that we want to test. If the expression evaluates to true, then the program continues to execute normally. However, if the expression evaluates to false, then an AssertionError is thrown and the program terminates.
We can also provide an optional message to be displayed with the AssertionError:
assert booleanExpression : errorMessage;
Here, errorMessage is a string that will be displayed along with the AssertionError if the condition is false.
Note that assertions are disabled by default in Java. To enable them, we need to pass the -ea (or -enableassertions) flag to the Java Virtual Machine when running the program.