根据类图,实现java代码:@startuml class BankAccount { -accountNumber : String -balance : double -ownerName : String +BankAccount(accountNumber:String, ownerName:String) +getAccountNumber():String +getBalance():double +getOwnerName():String +deposit(amount:double):void +withdraw(amount:double):void } class BankAccountDAO { -accounts : Map<String, BankAccount> -fileName : String +BankAccountDAO(fileName:String) +getAccount(accountNumber:String):BankAccount +getAllAccounts():List<BankAccount> +addAccount(account:BankAccount):void +updateAccount(account:BankAccount):void +deleteAccount(accountNumber:String):void -saveToFile():void } BankAccount -> BankAccountDAO @enduml

时间: 2024-02-01 14:13:48 浏览: 35
```java import java.util.*; class BankAccount { private String accountNumber; private double balance; private String ownerName; public BankAccount(String accountNumber, String ownerName) { this.accountNumber = accountNumber; this.ownerName = ownerName; this.balance = 0.0; } public String getAccountNumber() { return this.accountNumber; } public double getBalance() { return this.balance; } public String getOwnerName() { return this.ownerName; } public void deposit(double amount) { this.balance += amount; } public void withdraw(double amount) { if (balance >= amount) { this.balance -= amount; } else { System.out.println("Insufficient funds!"); } } } class BankAccountDAO { private Map<String, BankAccount> accounts; private String fileName; public BankAccountDAO(String fileName) { this.accounts = new HashMap<>(); this.fileName = fileName; // TODO: load accounts from file into accounts map } public BankAccount getAccount(String accountNumber) { return accounts.get(accountNumber); } public List<BankAccount> getAllAccounts() { return new ArrayList<>(accounts.values()); } public void addAccount(BankAccount account) { accounts.put(account.getAccountNumber(), account); saveToFile(); } public void updateAccount(BankAccount account) { accounts.replace(account.getAccountNumber(), account); saveToFile(); } public void deleteAccount(String accountNumber) { accounts.remove(accountNumber); saveToFile(); } private void saveToFile() { // TODO: write accounts map to file } } ```


use java language ,In this project you need to write a book lending system for a Library. The system has different roles for registered users. There are two types of user roles: borrower and lender. Write an IUser interface for library users, with the following UML specification: +----------------------------------+ | <<interface>> | | IUser | +----------------------------------+ | + getName(): String | | + getBook(): int | | + moreBook(int number): void | +----------------------------------+ and a User class that implements IUser and has the following UML specification: +-----------------------------------+ | User | +-----------------------------------+ | - name: String | | - book: int | +-----------------------------------+ | + User(String name, int book) | | + getName(): String | | + getBook(): int | | # setBook(int book): void | | + moreBook(int number): void | | + testUser(): void | +-----------------------------------+ The name instance variable indicates the user name. The book instance variable indicates the number of books borrowed by the user. The setBook method changes the number of books borrowed by the user. The setBook method is protected, not public. This means that only subclasses of the User class can use the setBook method. All the other classes in the system cannot use the setBook method, so they cannot change the number of books borrowed by a user. The purpose of the moreBook method is to increase the number of books borrowed or lent by the user (depending on what kind of user it is) by the number given as argument to the method. The moreBook method of the User class is abstract, since we do not know what kind of role the user is (a borrower borrows books from other users and a lender lend books to other users). Also add to your program a Test class to test your User class. public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { User.testUser(); } }

完成以下Java代码:Write an IShape interface with the following UML specification: +------------------------------------+ | <<interface>> | | IShape | +------------------------------------+ | + getX(): int | | + getY(): int | | + setX(int x): void | | + setY(int y): void | | + isVisible(int w, int h): boolean | | + isIn(int x, int y): boolean | | + draw(Graphics g): void | +------------------------------------+ and a Shape class that implements IShape and has the following UML specification: +------------------------------------+ | Shape | +------------------------------------+ | - x: int | | - y: int | | - color: Color | +------------------------------------+ | + Shape(int x, int y) | | + getX(): int | | + getY(): int | | + setX(int x): void | | + setY(int y): void | | + isVisible(int w, int h): boolean | | + isIn(int x, int y): boolean | | + draw(Graphics g): void | | + testShape(): void | +------------------------------------+ The x and y instance variables indicate the position of the center of the shape, and the color instance variable indicates the color of the shape. The color of the shape is computed randomly in the constructor of the shape class and never changes after that, like this: color = new Color((float)Math.random(), (float)Math.random(), (float)Math.random()); The isVisible method is abstract, and indicates whether the shape is currently visible or not inside a window of width w and of height h. The isIn method is abstract, and indicates whether the point at coordinates (x, y) is currently inside the shape or not. The draw method simply changes the color of the graphics object g to be the correct color for the shape

Add a Library class with the following UML specification: +-------------------------------------------+ | Library | +-------------------------------------------+ | - name: String | | - users: ArrayList | +-------------------------------------------+ | + Library(String name) | | + addUser(IUser user): void | | + totalBorrowedBooks(): int | | + getBook(String name): int | | + moreBook(String name, int number): void | | + testLibrary(): void | +-------------------------------------------+ When a library is created, it has an arraylist of users (IUser) but the arraylist is empty (the arraylist does not contain any user). The addUser method takes a user (IUser) as argument and adds the user to the arraylist of users for the library. The totalBorrowedBooks method returns as result the total number of books borrowed by all users of the library (the result can be either positive or negative). The getBook method takes as argument the name of a user and returns as result the number of books currently borrowed by the user. If the library does not have a user with the given name, then the getBook method must throw an UnknownUserException with the message "User XXX unknown.", where XXX is replaced with the name of the user. Do not worry about multiple users having the same name. You can assume all user names are unique in the arraylist. The moreBook method takes as argument the name of a user and a number of books and changes the number of books currently borrowed by that user. If the library does not have a user with the given name, then the moreBook method must throw an UnknownUserException with the message "User XXX unknown.", where XXX is replaced with the name of the user. Do not worry about multiple users having the same name. Note: the moreBook method does not catch any exception, it only throws exceptions. Hint: use the equals method to compare strings, not the == operator which only works with constant strings. 写java文件

continue to use Java language, Add a Library class with the following UML specification: +-------------------------------------------+ | Library | +-------------------------------------------+ | - name: String | | - users: ArrayList<IUser> | +-------------------------------------------+ | + Library(String name) | | + addUser(IUser user): void | | + totalBorrowedBooks(): int | | + getBook(String name): int | | + moreBook(String name, int number): void | | + testLibrary(): void | +-------------------------------------------+ When a library is created, it has an arraylist of users (IUser) but the arraylist is empty (the arraylist does not contain any user). The addUser method takes a user (IUser) as argument and adds the user to the arraylist of users for the library. The totalBorrowedBooks method returns as result the total number of books borrowed by all users of the library (the result can be either positive or negative). The getBook method takes as argument the name of a user and returns as result the number of books currently borrowed by the user. If the library does not have a user with the given name, then the getBook method must throw an UnknownUserException with the message "User XXX unknown.", where XXX is replaced with the name of the user. Do not worry about multiple users having the same name. You can assume all user names are unique in the arraylist. The moreBook method takes as argument the name of a user and a number of books and changes the number of books currently borrowed by that user. If the library does not have a user with the given name, then the moreBook method must throw an UnknownUserException with the message "User XXX unknown.", where XXX is replaced with the name of the user. Do not worry about multiple users having the same name. Note: the moreBook method does not catch any exception, it only throws exceptions. Hint: use the equals method to compare strings, not the == operator which only works with constant strings.












UML类图说明: 各种UML元素的使用说明与示例,通过菜鸟与大鸟的一问一答来逐步阐释UML元素的用法。




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![matlab画柱状图](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/3f32348f1c9c4481a6f5931993732f97.png) # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** MATLAB柱状图是一种图形化工具,用于可视化数据中不同类别或组的分布情况。它通过绘制垂直条形来表示每个类别或组中的数据值。柱状图在信号处理中广泛用于可视化信号特征和进行频谱分析。 柱状图的优点在于其简单易懂,能够直观地展示数据分布。在信号处理中,柱状图可以帮助工程师识别信号中的模式、趋势和异常情况,从而为信号分析和处理提供有价值的见解。 # 2. 柱状图在信号处理中的应用 柱状图在信号处理

前端深拷贝 和浅拷贝有哪些方式,你在哪里使用过

前端深拷贝和浅拷贝的方式有很多,下面列举几种常用的方式: 深拷贝: 1. JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)),该方法可以将对象序列化为字符串,再将字符串反序列化为新的对象,从而实现深拷贝。但是该方法有一些限制,例如无法拷贝函数、RegExp等类型的数据。 2. 递归拷贝,即遍历对象的每个属性并进行拷贝,如果属性值是对象,则递归进行拷贝。 3. 使用第三方库如lodash、jQuery等提供的深拷贝方法。 浅拷贝: 1. Object.assign(target, obj1, obj2, ...),该方法可以将源对象的属性浅拷贝到目标对象中,如果有相同的属性,则会

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