BPaaS requires annotation processing: Do you want to enable annotation processors? Enable
时间: 2024-06-02 20:11:57 浏览: 152
Yes, you should enable annotation processors for BPaaS. Annotation processing is a powerful feature of the Java language that allows you to generate code at compile time based on annotations in your source code. In the context of BPaaS, annotation processing can be used to automatically generate code to handle aspects of the business process, such as data validation, error handling, or logging. Enabling annotation processors will allow your BPaaS application to take full advantage of this feature and streamline your development process.
- /azp/agent/_work/40/s/polaris-house/src/main/java/com/bpaas/doc/polaris/house/controller/HouseDictController.java:[5,39] package com.bpaas.doc.polaris.bean.dict does not exist
这是一个编译错误信息,意思是在文件 `/azp/agent/_work/40/s/polaris-house/src/main/java/com/bpaas/doc/polaris/house/controller/HouseDictController.java` 的第 5 行第 39 列处,引用了一个名为 `com.bpaas.doc.polaris.bean.dict` 的包,但是该包并不存在。这可能是因为该包没有被正确地导入或者项目中缺少该包。需要检查代码中的导入语句和项目中的依赖关系,确保所需的包已经被正确导入并且项目中已经包含了该包的依赖。