时间: 2023-11-24 14:07:13 浏览: 81
Week 1
During the first week of my Java backend internship, I was introduced to the company's development environment and tools. I also familiarized myself with the project requirements and the existing codebase. My mentor assigned me to work on a simple CRUD operation for a user entity.
Week 2
In the second week, I continued working on the user entity CRUD operation. I implemented the backend logic to create, read, update, and delete users. I also worked on handling errors and exceptions that may occur during the operation.
Week 3
During the third week, I worked on integrating the user entity CRUD operation with the frontend. I implemented the REST API endpoints and tested them using Postman. I also worked on improving the code quality by following coding standards and guidelines.
Week 4
In the fourth week, I worked on optimizing the user entity CRUD operation by implementing caching and pagination. I also learned about database indexing and implemented it to improve the performance of the application.
Week 5
During the fifth week, I worked on implementing authentication and authorization for the application. I used Spring Security to secure the REST API endpoints and implemented token-based authentication.
Week 6
In the sixth week, I worked on implementing a feature to upload and store user profile images. I used AWS S3 to store the images and implemented the logic to upload and retrieve images.
Week 7
During the seventh week, I worked on implementing a feature to send emails to users. I used JavaMail API to send emails and implemented the logic to send verification emails to newly registered users.
Week 8
In the eighth week, I worked on improving the performance of the application by implementing caching at different layers of the application. I also worked on optimizing the database queries to reduce the response time.
Week 9
During the ninth week, I worked on implementing a feature to generate PDF reports for the application. I used iText library to generate the PDF files and implemented the logic to generate reports based on user data.
Week 10
In the tenth week, I worked on implementing a feature to schedule tasks to run at specific times. I used Quartz scheduler to schedule tasks and implemented the logic to send reminder emails to users.
Week 11
During the eleventh week, I worked on improving the security of the application by implementing input validation and sanitization. I also worked on implementing rate limiting to prevent brute force attacks.
Week 12
In the twelfth week, I worked on implementing a feature to integrate with external APIs. I used the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather data and implemented the logic to display the weather forecast on the application.
Week 13
During the thirteenth week, I worked on writing unit tests and integration tests for the application. I used JUnit and Mockito to write tests and implemented the logic to test different modules of the application. I also documented the code and wrote user manuals to help users understand how to use the application.