return (int)(Math.random()*(end-start+1)+start);

时间: 2023-06-19 14:06:04 浏览: 51
这段代码是用来产生一个在[start, end]范围内的随机整数的。Math.random()方法返回一个[0,1)之间的随机小数,乘以(end-start+1)后得到的是[0, end-start+1)之间的随机小数。将其强制转换为int类型后,得到的是[0, end-start]之间的随机整数。最后加上start后,得到的是[start, end]之间的随机整数。

import random import numpy as np import math from sklearn.cluster import KMeans #定义状态空间,每个时间片是一个决策阶段,时间片结束点的时刻为决策点 # 划分时间片,划分成了从0-100min的10个决策片,也就是我们整个过程的决策点,在每个时间片的右区间做出决策 scene = [] time_slices = np.linspace(0, 100, 11) # def calculate_distance(p1, p2): # # 计算两点之间的欧几里得距离 # return ((p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # 生成随机场景 for i in range(len(time_slices) - 1): start_time, end_time = time_slices[i], time_slices[i + 1] order_counts = np.random.poisson(4) # 每个时间段平均有4个订单 driver_counts = np.random.poisson(2) # 每个时间段平均有2个司机 decision_id = i + 1 decision_time = time_slices[i + 1] for j in range(order_counts): order_id =j+1 #order_time = int(random.uniform(start_time, end_time)) order_x, order_y = int(random.uniform(0, 10)), int(random.uniform(0, 10)) order_state = 1 for m in range(driver_counts): driver1_id = m + 1 # driver1_time = int(random.uniform(start_time, end_time)) driver1_x, driver1_y = int(random.uniform(0, 10)), int(random.uniform(0, 10)) driver1_deadline = 100 scene.append({"决策阶段":decision_id,"决策时间":decision_time,"订单编号":order_id,"坐标":(order_x, order_y),"订单状态":order_state},"司机编号":driver1_id,"司机目的地":(driver1_x, driver1_y),"初始路径":[(0,0),(driver1_x, driver1_y)],"最晚可用时间":driver1_deadline})

There seems to be a syntax error in your code. You need to properly format your code by adding indentation after the for loop statements. Here's the corrected code: ``` import random import numpy as np import math from sklearn.cluster import KMeans #定义状态空间,每个时间片是一个决策阶段,时间片结束点的时刻为决策点 # 划分时间片,划分成了从0-100min的10个决策片,也就是我们整个过程的决策点,在每个时间片的右区间做出决策 scene = [] time_slices = np.linspace(0, 100, 11) # def calculate_distance(p1, p2): # # 计算两点之间的欧几里得距离 # return ((p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # 生成随机场景 for i in range(len(time_slices) - 1): start_time, end_time = time_slices[i], time_slices[i + 1] order_counts = np.random.poisson(4) # 每个时间段平均有4个订单 driver_counts = np.random.poisson(2) # 每个时间段平均有2个司机 decision_id = i + 1 decision_time = time_slices[i + 1] for j in range(order_counts): order_id =j+1 #order_time = int(random.uniform(start_time, end_time)) order_x, order_y = int(random.uniform(0, 10)), int(random.uniform(0, 10)) order_state = 1 for m in range(driver_counts): driver1_id = m + 1 # driver1_time = int(random.uniform(start_time, end_time)) driver1_x, driver1_y = int(random.uniform(0, 10)), int(random.uniform(0, 10)) driver1_deadline = 100 scene.append({"决策阶段":decision_id,"决策时间":decision_time,"订单编号":order_id,"坐标":(order_x, order_y),"订单状态":order_state,"司机编号":driver1_id,"司机目的地":(driver1_x, driver1_y),"初始路径":[(0,0),(driver1_x, driver1_y)],"最晚可用时间":driver1_deadline}) ```


以下是C语言实现的informed-rrt*算法的代码,注释已详细说明每个步骤的含义和作用: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #define MAX_VERTICES 10000 #define MAX_EDGES 20000 #define MAX_PATH 1000 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 // 定义Tree结构体表示树 typedef struct { int parent; double position[2]; } Tree; // 定义Edge结构体表示边 typedef struct { int start; int end; double cost; } Edge; // 定义Path结构体表示路径 typedef struct { int vertices[MAX_PATH]; int count; } Path; // 定义全局变量 int num_vertices = 0; int num_edges = 0; Tree tree[MAX_VERTICES]; Edge edges[MAX_EDGES]; Path path; // 定义函数 double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return sqrt(pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2)); } int random_vertex() { // 生成随机点 return rand() % num_vertices; } int nearest_vertex(double x, double y) { // 找到距离当前点(x, y)最近的树节点 int nearest = 0; double min_dist = distance(x, y, tree[0].position[0], tree[0].position[1]); for (int i = 1; i < num_vertices; i++) { double dist = distance(x, y, tree[i].position[0], tree[i].position[1]); if (dist < min_dist) { nearest = i; min_dist = dist; } } return nearest; } int new_vertex(double x, double y) { // 向树中添加新节点 int v = num_vertices; tree[v].parent = -1; tree[v].position[0] = x; tree[v].position[1] = y; num_vertices++; return v; } int can_reach(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double radius) { // 判断两点之间是否可以直接连接 double dist = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (dist > radius) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) { double x3 = tree[edges[i].start].position[0]; double y3 = tree[edges[i].start].position[1]; double x4 = tree[edges[i].end].position[0]; double y4 = tree[edges[i].end].position[1]; if (distance(x1, y1, x3, y3) < radius && distance(x2, y2, x4, y4) < radius) { double a = y2 - y1; double b = x1 - x2; double c = x2 * y1 - x1 * y2; double d1 = fabs(a * x3 + b * y3 + c) / sqrt(pow(a, 2) + pow(b, 2)); double d2 = fabs(a * x4 + b * y4 + c) / sqrt(pow(a, 2) + pow(b, 2)); if (d1 < radius && d2 < radius) { return 0; } } } return 1; } void add_edge(int start, int end) { // 向树中添加新边 edges[num_edges].start = start; edges[num_edges].end = end; edges[num_edges].cost = distance(tree[start].position[0], tree[start].position[1], tree[end].position[0], tree[end].position[1]); num_edges++; tree[end].parent = start; } void find_path(int start, int end) { // 寻找从起点到终点的路径 path.count = 0; int current = end; while (current != start) { path.vertices[path.count] = current; path.count++; current = tree[current].parent; } path.vertices[path.count] = start; path.count++; } void informed_rrt_star(double start_x, double start_y, double goal_x, double goal_y, double radius, double goal_bias, double max_iter, double step_size, double goal_tolerance) { // informed-rrt*算法实现 srand(time(NULL)); num_vertices = 0; num_edges = 0; int start_vertex = new_vertex(start_x, start_y); while (num_vertices < max_iter) { double p = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX; int x, y; if (p < goal_bias) { x = goal_x; y = goal_y; } else { x = (int)(rand() % 1000); y = (int)(rand() % 1000); } int nearest = nearest_vertex(x, y); double theta = atan2(y - tree[nearest].position[1], x - tree[nearest].position[0]); double new_x = tree[nearest].position[0] + step_size * cos(theta); double new_y = tree[nearest].position[1] + step_size * sin(theta); if (can_reach(tree[nearest].position[0], tree[nearest].position[1], new_x, new_y, radius)) { int new_vertex_index = new_vertex(new_x, new_y); add_edge(nearest, new_vertex_index); for (int i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { double dist = distance(tree[new_vertex_index].position[0], tree[new_vertex_index].position[1], tree[i].position[0], tree[i].position[1]); if (tree[i].parent == -1 && dist < radius && can_reach(tree[new_vertex_index].position[0], tree[new_vertex_index].position[1], tree[i].position[0], tree[i].position[1], radius)) { add_edge(i, new_vertex_index); } } if (distance(new_x, new_y, goal_x, goal_y) < goal_tolerance) { int goal_vertex = new_vertex(goal_x, goal_y); add_edge(new_vertex_index, goal_vertex); if (can_reach(tree[new_vertex_index].position[0], tree[new_vertex_index].position[1], goal_x, goal_y, radius)) { add_edge(goal_vertex, new_vertex_index); find_path(start_vertex, goal_vertex); break; } } } } } int main() { informed_rrt_star(0, 0, 1000, 1000, 50, 0.1, 10000, 50, 10); for (int i = path.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { printf("%d %d\n", (int)tree[path.vertices[i]].position[0], (int)tree[path.vertices[i]].position[1]); } return 0; } ``` 上述代码实现了informed-rrt*算法,具体实现步骤如下: 1. 定义树(Tree)、边(Edge)和路径(Path)的结构体,以及全局变量num_vertices、num_edges、tree、edges和path,用于存储算法中的数据结构和结果。 2. 实现计算两点之间距离的函数distance。 3. 实现随机生成树节点编号的函数random_vertex。 4. 实现找到距离当前点最近的树节点编号的函数nearest_vertex。 5. 实现向树中添加新节点的函数new_vertex。 6. 实现判断两点之间是否可以直接连接的函数can_reach。 7. 实现向树中添加新边的函数add_edge。 8. 实现寻找从起点到终点的路径的函数find_path。 9. 实现informed-rrt*算法的主体函数informed_rrt_star,其中包含以下步骤: 1. 初始化全局变量num_vertices和num_edges为0,并生成起点。 2. 循环执行以下步骤,直到达到最大迭代次数: 1. 生成一个随机点,其中p是随机数,如果p小于目标偏差(goal_bias),则生成终点位置。 2. 找到距离随机点最近的树节点。 3. 计算从最近节点到随机点的角度,并计算出新节点的位置。 4. 判断最近节点和新节点之间是否可以直接连接,如果可以,则添加新节点和新边。 5. 对所有未连接的节点,如果距离新节点小于半径(radius),且可以直接连接,则添加新边。 6. 如果新节点距离终点小于目标容差(goal_tolerance),则添加新节点和新边,并寻找从起点到终点的路径。 10. 在main函数中调用informed_rrt_star函数,并输出从起点到终点的路径。 上述代码实现了informed-rrt*算法的基本框架,但实际使用中可能需要根据具体场景进行调整和优化。





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