verilog $time
时间: 2023-09-15 16:21:04 浏览: 107
The $time system function in Verilog returns the current simulation time in simulation time units. It returns a 64-bit integer value. The simulation time unit is defined by the `timescale` directive in the Verilog source code.
For example, if the `timescale` directive is set to `1ns/1ps`, then the $time function will return the current simulation time in nanoseconds.
Here is an example Verilog code snippet that uses the $time function:
module testbench;
reg clk;
wire data_out;
// Instantiate DUT
dut dut_inst(
// Generate clock
always #5 clk <= ~clk;
// Test stimulus
initial begin
$dumpvars(0, testbench);
#10; // Wait for DUT to stabilize
$display("Starting simulation at time %0t", $time);
// Test case 1
$display("Test case 1: Setting input to 1 at time %0t", $time);
dut_inst.data_in <= 1'b1;
$display("Test case 1 result: Output is %b at time %0t", data_out, $time);
// Test case 2
$display("Test case 2: Setting input to 0 at time %0t", $time);
dut_inst.data_in <= 1'b0;
$display("Test case 2 result: Output is %b at time %0t", data_out, $time);
In this example, the $time function is used to display the current simulation time at various points during the test stimulus. It is also used to generate a VCD waveform dump file with the $dumpfile and $dumpvars system tasks.