时间: 2024-03-05 09:26:35 浏览: 117
% Load the Iris dataset
load fisheriris
X = meas;
Y = species;
% Encode the categorical response variable as numeric
Y = grp2idx(Y);
% Split the dataset into training and testing sets
cv = cvpartition(Y,'Holdout',0.2);
Xtrain = X(cv.training,:);
Ytrain = Y(cv.training,:);
Xtest = X(cv.test,:);
Ytest = Y(cv.test,:);
% Convert the training and testing sets to Python arrays
py.Xtrain = py.numpy.array(Xtrain);
py.Ytrain = py.numpy.array(Ytrain);
py.Xtest = py.numpy.array(Xtest);
% Load the XGBoost Python module
py.xgboost = py.importlib.import_module('xgboost');
% Convert the training and testing sets to XGBoost DMatrix objects
py.dtrain = py.xgboost.DMatrix(py.Xtrain, label=py.Ytrain);
py.dtest = py.xgboost.DMatrix(py.Xtest);
% Set the XGBoost hyperparameters
params = py.dict(pyargs('objective','multi:softmax','num_class',3,'eval_metric','merror'));
% Train the XGBoost model
num_rounds = 10;
py.bst = py.xgboost.train(params, py.dtrain, num_rounds);
% Make predictions on the testing set
py.Ypred = py.bst.predict(py.dtest);
Ypred = double(py.array.array('d',py.numpy.nditer(py.Ypred)));
% Compute the classification accuracy
accuracy = sum(Ytest == Ypred) / numel(Ytest);
disp(['Classification accuracy: ' num2str(accuracy)]);
% Set the Python executable path
pyExec = 'C:\Python39\python.exe';
% Set the Python library path
pyLib = 'C:\Python39\Lib';
% Setup the Python environment
setenv('PATH', [pyLib ';' getenv('PATH')]);