---> 26 coeffs_r[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_r[2]) < threshold_r, 0, coeffs_r[2]) 27 coeffs_g = list(coeffs_g) 28 coeffs_g[0] = np.round(coeffs_g[0]) IndexError: list index out of range
时间: 2024-02-20 10:58:33 浏览: 79
根据你提供的错误信息,提示出现了 IndexError: list index out of range,说明你在尝试访问一个列表元素时,使用了一个超出索引范围的下标。具体来说,错误发生在第 28 行,代码尝试访问一个列表 coeffs_g 的第一个元素,但是该列表可能为空或者长度不足,因此出现了 IndexError 错误。
你可以在访问列表前,先使用 len 函数检查一下列表的长度,确保不会超出索引范围。另外,如果你确保列表中至少有一个元素,也可以使用下标 0 直接访问第一个元素,而不需要使用 list 函数将其转换为列表类型。
coeffs_r[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_r[2]) < threshold_r, 0, coeffs_r[2])
if len(coeffs_g) > 0:
coeffs_g[0] = np.round(coeffs_g[0])
这样就可以避免 IndexError 错误的发生,如果 coeffs_g 为空,代码不会执行第二行语句,如果不为空,则会将第一个元素四舍五入。
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pywt from skimage import io, color # 读取灰度图像并转换为RGB图像 img_gray = io.imread('lena.png', as_gray=True) img = color.gray2rgb(img_gray) # 对图像的三个通道进行DWT变换 coeffs_r = pywt.dwt2(img[:, :, 0], 'haar') coeffs_g = pywt.dwt2(img[:, :, 1], 'haar') coeffs_b = pywt.dwt2(img[:, :, 2], 'haar') # 设置压缩比率 compress_ratio = 0.5 # 计算阈值 threshold_r = np.sort(np.abs(coeffs_r[1].ravel()))[::-1][int(compress_ratio * len(coeffs_r[1].ravel()))] threshold_g = np.sort(np.abs(coeffs_g[1].ravel()))[::-1][int(compress_ratio * len(coeffs_g[1].ravel()))] threshold_b = np.sort(np.abs(coeffs_b[1].ravel()))[::-1][int(compress_ratio * len(coeffs_b[1].ravel()))] # 对小于阈值的系数进行置零 coeffs_r = list(coeffs_r) coeffs_r[0] = np.round(coeffs_r[0]) coeffs_r[1] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_r[1]) < threshold_r, 0, coeffs_r[1]) coeffs_r[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_r[2]) < threshold_r, 0, coeffs_r[2]) coeffs_g = list(coeffs_g) coeffs_g[0] = np.round(coeffs_g[0]) coeffs_g[1] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_g[1]) < threshold_g, 0, coeffs_g[1]) coeffs_g[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_g[2]) < threshold_g, 0, coeffs_g[2]) coeffs_b = list(coeffs_b) coeffs_b[0] = np.round(coeffs_b[0]) coeffs_b[1] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_b[1]) < threshold_b, 0, coeffs_b[1]) coeffs_b[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_b[2]) < threshold_b, 0, coeffs_b[2]) # 合并三个通道的系数 coeffs = [np.stack([coeffs_r[i], coeffs_g[i], coeffs_b[i]], axis=-1) for i in range(len(coeffs_r))] # 对图像进行IDWT反变换 img_dwt = pywt.idwt2(coeffs, 'haar') # 显示原始图像和压缩后的图像 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(8, 4)) ax = axes.ravel() ax[0].imshow(img) ax[0].set_title("Original image") ax[1].imshow(img_dwt) ax[1].set_title("Compressed image (DWT)") ax[1].set_xlabel("Compression ratio: {:.2f}".format(compress_ratio)) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ValueError: the input array must have size 3 along `channel_axis`, got (417, 556)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pywt
from skimage import io, color
# 读取灰度图像并转换为RGB图像
img_gray = io.imread('lena.png', as_gray=True)
img = color.gray2rgb(img_gray)
# 对图像的三个通道进行DWT变换
coeffs_r = pywt.dwt2(img[:, :, 0], 'haar')
coeffs_g = pywt.dwt2(img[:, :, 1], 'haar')
coeffs_b = pywt.dwt2(img[:, :, 2], 'haar')
# 设置压缩比率
compress_ratio = 0.5
# 计算阈值
threshold_r = np.sort(np.abs(coeffs_r[1].ravel()))[::-1][int(compress_ratio * len(coeffs_r[1].ravel()))]
threshold_g = np.sort(np.abs(coeffs_g[1].ravel()))[::-1][int(compress_ratio * len(coeffs_g[1].ravel()))]
threshold_b = np.sort(np.abs(coeffs_b[1].ravel()))[::-1][int(compress_ratio * len(coeffs_b[1].ravel()))]
# 对小于阈值的系数进行置零
coeffs_r = list(coeffs_r)
coeffs_r[0] = np.round(coeffs_r[0])
coeffs_r[1] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_r[1]) < threshold_r, 0, coeffs_r[1])
coeffs_r[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_r[2]) < threshold_r, 0, coeffs_r[2])
coeffs_g = list(coeffs_g)
coeffs_g[0] = np.round(coeffs_g[0])
coeffs_g[1] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_g[1]) < threshold_g, 0, coeffs_g[1])
coeffs_g[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_g[2]) < threshold_g, 0, coeffs_g[2])
coeffs_b = list(coeffs_b)
coeffs_b[0] = np.round(coeffs_b[0])
coeffs_b[1] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_b[1]) < threshold_b, 0, coeffs_b[1])
coeffs_b[2] = np.where(np.abs(coeffs_b[2]) < threshold_b, 0, coeffs_b[2])
# 合并三个通道的系数
coeffs = [np.stack([coeffs_r[i], coeffs_g[i], coeffs_b[i]], axis=-1) for i in range(len(coeffs_r))]
# 对图像进行IDWT反变换
img_dwt = pywt.idwt2(coeffs, 'haar')
# 显示原始图像和压缩后的图像
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(8, 4))
ax = axes.ravel()
ax[0].set_title("Original image")
ax[1].set_title("Compressed image (DWT)")
ax[1].set_xlabel("Compression ratio: {:.2f}".format(compress_ratio))