时间: 2024-05-23 14:14:11 浏览: 155
1. FASTQ文件:包含原始的测序数据,每个序列包括序列标识符、序列核苷酸和质量分数。
2. BAM文件:由FASTQ文件通过比对到参考基因组得到,包含每个序列的比对位置和质量等信息。
3. BED文件:包含每个基因的区域,比如外显子、内含子和UTR区域等。
4. RPM文件:reads per million,是将每个基因的reads数归一化后得到的结果文件,可以用于比较不同样品之间的基因表达差异。
5. TE文件:包含每个基因的翻译效率,即翻译产物与mRNA的比值,可以用于研究翻译调控。
Ribosome profiling (also known as ribosome sequencing or Ribo-seq) is a method used to study translation in cells. It involves the capture and sequencing of ribosome-protected mRNA fragments to give insight into the dynamics of protein synthesis.
The basic steps of ribosome profiling are as follows:
1. Cells are grown under conditions where translation is actively occurring.
2. Ribosomes are cross-linked to mRNA using a chemical such as formaldehyde.
3. Cells are lysed and the ribosomes are purified.
4. The mRNA fragments that are protected by the ribosomes are isolated and purified.
5. The purified mRNA fragments are sequenced using next-generation sequencing technology.
6. The resulting sequence data is analyzed to determine which regions of the mRNA are being actively translated.
Ribosome profiling has been used to study a variety of biological processes, including gene expression regulation, translational control, and viral infection. It has also been used to identify novel coding and non-coding RNA molecules.
1. 在NCBI网站(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)上搜索“白梨”,进入白梨的数据库页面。
2. 在页面上方的搜索框中输入“ribosome-seq”,并按回车键进行搜索。
3. 根据搜索结果,找到与白梨ribosome-seq相关的文章或数据集,并根据需要下载相关数据。
4. 如果需要更深入的研究,可以查阅相关文献或参考其他研究者的研究方法,以获取更多信息。