google earth engine教程
时间: 2023-06-05 19:01:21 浏览: 149
Google Earth Engine(GEE)是一个由Google打造的全球最大的地理空间数据仓库,提供了功能强大的数据分析和可视化工具,可以支持全球范围内大规模的数据处理和计算。其主要应用包括温室气体排放和碳收支分析、自然资源监测和管理、城市规划和监测等。
google earth engine 教程
Google Earth Engine教程是一系列的在线资源和学习材料,旨在帮助用户学习如何使用Google Earth Engine进行地球科学数据分析和可视化。这些教程包括视频教程、文档、示例代码和实践项目,涵盖了从基础知识到高级技术的各个方面。用户可以通过这些教程了解如何使用Google Earth Engine进行遥感影像处理、地表覆盖分类、时间序列分析、空间统计分析等任务。同时,Google Earth Engine教程还提供了丰富的数据集和工具,帮助用户更好地理解地球科学和环境问题。
Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine is a cloud-based platform for planetary-scale geospatial analysis that allows users to process and analyze large amounts of satellite imagery and other geospatial data using Google's infrastructure. It enables researchers, scientists, and developers to access and analyze petabytes of satellite imagery and other geospatial data in a fast and efficient way. With Google Earth Engine, users can run algorithms on large datasets, create custom visualizations, and perform complex analyses such as monitoring changes in land use, tracking vegetation growth, and predicting crop yields. The platform also provides access to a vast library of publicly available datasets, including Landsat, MODIS, and Sentinel satellite imagery, as well as climate and weather data.