
时间: 2023-04-05 13:02:44 浏览: 56
我可以回答这个问题。优化代码的目的是为了提高程序的运行效率和性能。soc_end=soc_endzi() 可以简化为 soc_end = soc_endzi(); 这样的写法可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。同时,如果 soc_endzi() 函数返回的是一个常量,可以考虑将其定义为宏,以进一步提高代码的效率。

figure(); hold on; for n = 1:n_cars t_arrival = arrival_time(n); t_departure = departure_time(n); t_start = ceil(t_arrival / time_step) + 1; t_end = floor(t_departure / time_step) + 1; soc_arrival = energy_at_arrival(n) / bat_cap; soc_departure = soc_min; E_idx = round(soc_arrival * length(E)) + 1; step = t_start; while step <= t_end if path(n, step) == 1 if step == t_start soc = soc_arrival; else soc = soc_departure + (charge_power / bat_cap) * (step - k - 1) * time_step / 3600; end t = (step - 1) * time_step / 3600; plot([t, t+time_step/3600], [soc, soc], 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; plot([t, t], [soc, soc-departure_time(n)+arrival_time(n)], 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2); k = step; end soc_departure = max(soc_min, soc_arrival - charge_demand(n) / bat_cap); step = step + 1; end end xlabel('Time (h)'); ylabel('State of Charge'); title('Charging Schedule'); grid on; hold on;为什么无法生成曲线

根据代码,生成曲线的过程是在一个 for 循环中进行的,循环次数是 n_cars。因此,无法生成曲线可能是由于以下原因之一: 1. 变量 n_cars 的值为 0,即没有车辆需要生成曲线; 2. 变量 E 的值没有被初始化,导致无法计算 soc_arrival; 3. 变量 path 的值没有被初始化,导致无法判断需要绘制的路径; 4. 变量 charge_power、bat_cap、time_step、charge_demand、arrival_time、departure_time、energy_at_arrival、soc_min 的值没有被正确设置; 5. 曲线被生成,但是没有被正确显示。 需要检查以上原因,找出造成无法生成曲线的具体原因。

优化代码 def soc_patch(self): soc_exist = [] for socs in ['bat_cluster_soc', 'bat_module_soc_00', 'bat_module_soc_01', 'bat_module_soc_02']: if socs in self.headers: soc_exist.append(socs) else: self.df[socs] = np.nan return soc_exist

可以优化的地方如下: 1. 使用列表推导式,可以简化代码: ``` def soc_patch(self): soc_exist = [socs for socs in ['bat_cluster_soc', 'bat_module_soc_00', 'bat_module_soc_01', 'bat_module_soc_02'] if socs in self.headers] for socs in set(['bat_cluster_soc', 'bat_module_soc_00', 'bat_module_soc_01', 'bat_module_soc_02']).difference(soc_exist): self.df[socs] = np.nan return soc_exist ``` 2. 使用集合的差集操作,可以更快速地找出不存在的元素。 3. 将 `set(['bat_cluster_soc', 'bat_module_soc_00', 'bat_module_soc_01', 'bat_module_soc_02'])` 抽取为一个变量,增加可读性。


分析 x Symbol: SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP_I2S [=n] x x Type : tristate x x Prompt: Rockchip I2S Device Driver x x Location: x x -> Device Drivers x x -> Sound card support (SOUND [=y]) x x -> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (SND [=y]) x x (6) -> ALSA for SoC audio support (SND_SOC [=y]) x x -> ASoC support for Rockchip (SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n]) x x Defined at sound/soc/rockchip/Kconfig:18 x x Depends on: SOUND [=y] && !UML && SND [=y] && SND_SOC [=y] && CLKDEV_LOOKUP [=y] && SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n] x x Selects: SND_SOC_GENERIC_DMAENGINE_PCM [=n] x x Selected by [n]: x x - SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP_MAX98090 [=n] && SOUND [=y] && !UML && SND [=y] && SND_SOC [=y] && SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n] && I2C [=y] && GPIOLIB [=y] && CLKDEV_LOOKUP [=y] x x - SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP_RT5645 [=n] && SOUND [=y] && !UML && SND [=y] && SND_SOC [=y] && SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n] && I2C [=y] && GPIOLIB [=y] && CLKDEV_LOOKUP [=y] x x - SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP_RT5651 [=n] && SOUND [=y] && !UML && SND [=y] && SND_SOC [=y] && SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n] && I2C [=y] && GPIOLIB [=y] && CLKDEV_LOOKUP [=y] x x - SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP_RT5651_RK628 [=n] && SOUND [=y] && !UML && SND [=y] && SND_SOC [=y] && SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n] && I2C [=y] && GPIOLIB [=y] && CLKDEV_LOOKUP [=y] x x - SND_SOC_RK3288_HDMI_ANALOG [=n] && SOUND [=y] && !UML && SND [=y] && SND_SOC [=y] && SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n] && I2C [=y] && GPIOLIB [=y] && CLKDEV_LOOKUP [=y] x x - SND_SOC_RK3399_GRU_SOUND [=n] && SOUND [=y] && !UML && SND [=y] && SND_SOC [=y] && SND_SOC_ROCKCHIP [=n] && I2C [=y] && GPIOLIB [=y] && CLKDEV_LOOKUP [=y] && SPI [=y] x

优化代码 def module_split(self, save_on=True): """ split module data :param save_on: :return: """ for ms in range(self.mod_num): m_sn = self.module_list[ms] module_path = os.path.join(self.result_path_down, m_sn) cols_obj = ChuNengPackMustCols(ms, self.mod_cell_num, self.mod_cell_num) # 传入当前的module序号(如0,1,2,3,4),电芯电压个数,温度NTC个数。 aim_cols = [i for i in cols_obj.total_cols if i in self.df.columns] print(m_sn, aim_cols) self.modules[m_sn] = rename_cols_normal(self.df.loc[:, aim_cols], ms, self.mod_cell_num) print("after change cols name:", ms, m_sn, self.modules[m_sn].columns.tolist()) self.modules[m_sn].dropna(axis=0, how='any', subset=['soc'], inplace=True) volt_col = [f'volt{i}' for i in range(self.mod_cell_num)] temp_col = [f'temp{i}' for i in range(self.mod_cell_num)] self.modules[m_sn].dropna(axis=0, how='any', subset=volt_col, inplace=True) self.modules[m_sn] = stat(self.modules[m_sn], volt_col, temp_col) self.modules[m_sn].reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) print(self.modules[m_sn]['discharge_ah'].iloc[-1]) self.module_cap[m_sn] = [self.modules[m_sn]['discharge_ah'].iloc[-1], self.modules[m_sn]['charge_ah'].iloc[-1], self.modules[m_sn]['soh'].iloc[-1]] self.module_peaks[m_sn] = list(quick_report(self.modules[m_sn], module_path, f'quick_report_{m_sn[:8]}')) # check soc status mod_soc = self.modules[m_sn]['soc'] self.module_soc_sig[m_sn] = [np.nanmedian(mod_soc), np.max(mod_soc), np.min(mod_soc)] if save_on: single_variables_plot(mod_soc, module_path, f'{m_sn[:8]}_soc_distribution_box.png', 'box', 'SOC') single_variables_plot(mod_soc, module_path, f'{m_sn[:8]}_soc_distribution_violin.png', 'violin', 'SOC')

void file_save(void) { printf("saving"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Sleep(200); printf("."); } Sleep(200); file_first = fopen("File_First.txt", "w"); fprintf(file_first, "%5d", file_number); fclose(file_first); current = head; for (int i = 1; i <= file_number; i++) { sprintf(file_name, "File_%d.txt", i); file_current = fopen(file_name, "w"); if (file_current == NULL) { printf("No file existed\n"); system("pause"); system("cls"); } else { current = current->next; rewind(file_current); fprintf(file_current, "%5d%5d%5d%5d%5d%5d%5d%5d\n", current->name_num, current->title_num, current->iden_num, current->pro_num, current->abi_num,current->race_num, current->item_num, current->soc_num); name_current = current->_name; title_current = current->_title; iden_current = current->_iden; pro_current = current->_pro; abi_current = current->_abi; race_current = current->_race; item_current = current->_item; soc_current = current->_soc; for (int i = 0; i < current->name_num; i++) { name_current = name_current->next; fprintf(file_current,"%s\n", name_current->name); } for (int i = 0; i < current->title_num; i++) { title_current = title_current->next; fprintf(file_current,"%s\n", title_current->title); } for (int i = 0; i < current->iden_num; i++) { iden_current = iden_current->next; fprintf(file_current,"%s\n", iden_current->identity); } for (int i = 0; i < current->pro_num; i++) { pro_current = pro_current->next; fprintf(file_current, "%s\n%d\n", pro_current->profession, pro_current->level); } for (int i = 0; i < current->abi_num; i++) { abi_current = abi_current->next; fprintf(file_current, "%s\n%s\n", abi_current->ability, abi_current->explain); } for (int i = 0; i < current->race_num; i++) { race_current = race_current->next; fprintf(file_current, "%s\n", race_current->race); } for (int i = 0; i < current->item_num; i++) { item_current = item_current->next; fprintf(file_current, "%s\n%s\n%d\n", item_current->item, item_current->explain, item_current->number); } for (int i = 0; i < current->soc_num; i++) { soc_current = soc_current->next; fprintf(file_current, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", soc_current->object, soc_current->relationship, soc_current->explain); } fclose(file_current); } } system("files have been saved\n"); system("pause"); system("cls"); } 为什么最后保存的时候保存顺序有很大差别,假设已经有5个文件,为什么不是从File_1保存到File_5




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