这里出现魔法值,我怎么处理?return productDao.selectList(new QueryWrapper<Product>().eq("is_delete", 0));
时间: 2024-05-21 12:10:25 浏览: 79
private static final int NOT_DELETED = 0;
return productDao.selectList(new QueryWrapper<Product>().eq("is_delete", NOT_DELETED));
return productDao.selectList(new QueryWrapper<Product>().eq("is_delete", 0));
This code is using MyBatis-Plus library to retrieve a list of products from the database.
The method `selectList()` is called on an instance of `productDao`, which is a DAO (Data Access Object) for the `Product` model. The `QueryWrapper` is a utility class provided by MyBatis-Plus to construct SQL queries using a fluent API.
In this case, the query is looking for all records in the `Product` table where the `is_delete` column is equal to 0 (meaning the product has not been deleted). This is achieved by calling the `eq()` method on the `QueryWrapper` instance and passing the column name and the value to compare against.
The method will return a list of `Product` objects that meet the criteria specified in the query.
public List<Product> getSeleteProduct(String name){ return productDao.getSeleteProduct(name);}
这是一个方法的定义,名为 `getSeleteProduct`,它接收一个名为 `name` 的字符串参数,并返回一个 `List<Product>` 类型的结果。
方法的实现中调用了 `productDao` 对象的 `getSeleteProduct` 方法,并将 `name` 作为参数传递给它。`productDao` 是一个对象,可能是一个数据访问对象 (DAO),用于与数据库或其他数据源进行交互。
`getSeleteProduct` 方法的目的是根据给定的 `name` 值从数据源中检索并返回匹配的产品列表。具体的实现逻辑在 `productDao.getSeleteProduct(name)` 方法中完成。
请注意,这段代码只是方法的定义和调用,具体的实现逻辑需要查看 `productDao` 对象的代码。