building wheel for opencv 卡死
时间: 2023-07-07 07:33:44 浏览: 110
当你在安装OpenCV时,如果出现"building wheel for opencv"卡死的情况,可能是由于网络不稳定或者系统环境不兼容造成的。你可以尝试以下方法:
1. 确保你的网络连接稳定,尝试重新运行安装命令。
2. 更新pip到最新版本,运行以下命令:
pip install --upgrade pip
3. 确保你的系统环境已经安装了所有必要的依赖库,可以参考OpenCV官方文档中的安装指南进行操作。
4. 如果还是无法解决问题,你可以尝试使用conda或者直接下载已经编译好的OpenCV二进制文件进行安装。
Failed building wheel for opencv-python
As an AI language model, I do not have the context of your specific situation, but in general, the error message "Failed building wheel for opencv-python" typically indicates that there is an issue with the installation of the OpenCV Python package. Some possible solutions include:
1. Check that you have the required dependencies installed: OpenCV Python requires NumPy and some other packages. Make sure you have installed them correctly.
2. Upgrade your pip: Try upgrading your pip to the latest version by running the command "pip install --upgrade pip".
3. Try using a different version of OpenCV Python: Sometimes, a specific version of OpenCV Python might not work with your system. Try installing a different version.
4. Check your system requirements: OpenCV Python has specific requirements for the operating system, Python version, and other dependencies. Make sure your system meets these requirements.
5. Try installing from a different source: If the above solutions do not work, try installing OpenCV Python from a different source or using a different installation method.
failed building wheel for opencv-python