Android C++ thread
时间: 2023-03-28 08:03:36 浏览: 84
答:在 Android C 中,可以使用 pthread 库来创建和管理线程。使用 pthread_create() 函数创建线程,使用 pthread_join() 函数等待线程结束并回收资源,使用 pthread_cancel() 函数取消线程执行。同时,还可以使用互斥锁和条件变量来实现线程同步和互斥。
class Thread : public Runnable {
virtual ~Thread();
// Launch a new thread to execute the runnable object.
virtual status_t run(const char* name = 0, int32_t priority = PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
size_t stack = 0);
// Ask the currently running thread to stop. This is called from a different thread.
virtual status_t requestExitAndWait();
// Ask the currently running thread to stop. This is called from within the thread to be stopped.
virtual status_t requestExit();
// Good place to do one-time initializations.
virtual bool threadLoop() = 0;
// Return the thread's name.
virtual const char* name() const;
// Return the thread's priority.
virtual int32_t getPriority() const;
// Set the thread's priority.
virtual status_t setPriority(int32_t priority);
// Set the thread's scheduling policy.
virtual status_t setSchedulingPolicy(int32_t policy);
// Get the thread's scheduling policy.
virtual int32_t getSchedulingPolicy() const;
// Get the thread's unique identifier.
virtual pid_t getTid() const;
// Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds.
static void sleep(uint32_t ms);
// Exit the thread.
virtual void onExit();
// Called before the thread starts executing.
virtual bool readyToRun();
// Return the thread's ID.
pthread_t id() const;
// Return the thread's JNIEnv.
JNIEnv* env() const;
// Return the thread's JavaVM.
JavaVM* javaVM() const;
class DeathRecipient : public IBinder::DeathRecipient {
DeathRecipient(Thread* recipient) : mRecipient(recipient) {}
virtual ~DeathRecipient() {}
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
wp<Thread> mRecipient;
static int _threadLoop(void* user);
int threadLoop();
pthread_t mThread;
volatile bool mRunning;
volatile bool mExited;
bool mNeedToExit;
bool mHasStarted;
bool mSuccessfullyStartedException;
Mutex mLock;
Condition mThreadExitedCondition;
const char* mName;
int32_t mPriority;
size_t mStackSize;
pid_t mTid;
JavaVM* mJavaVM;
DeathRecipient* mDeathRecipient;
android c++多线程
在 Android C++ 中使用多线程可以使用 pthread 库,以下是一个简单的示例代码:
#include <pthread.h>
void* myThread(void* arg) {
// 线程执行的代码
return nullptr;
int main() {
// 创建线程
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create(&thread, nullptr, myThread, nullptr);
// 等待线程结束
pthread_join(thread, nullptr);
return 0;
在上面的示例中,`pthread_create` 函数用于创建一个新的线程,并将其绑定到 `myThread` 函数上。`pthread_join` 函数用于等待线程结束,保证在主线程结束前,子线程已经执行完毕。