react data grid
时间: 2023-10-09 17:07:24 浏览: 120
React Data Grid is a highly customizable and performant grid component for React that allows you to display and edit tabular data. It provides a wide range of features such as sorting, filtering, pagination, cell editing, and column resizing. React Data Grid is built on top of the React virtualized library, which means it can efficiently render large data sets without impacting the performance of your application. It also supports a variety of data formats including CSV, JSON, and Excel. React Data Grid is an ideal solution for building data-intensive web applications that require a flexible and powerful grid component.
react data grid插件
React DataGrid是一个React UI组件库,它提供了一个高度可定制的数据网格(DataGrid)组件,用于在Web应用程序中显示和编辑表格数据。它具有强大的功能,例如排序、筛选、分页、可编辑单元格、列重新排序等。它还支持多种数据源,例如本地数据、远程数据和使用GraphQL API的数据。React DataGrid的API非常简单易用,因此您可以快速轻松地将其集成到您的React应用程序中。
react-datasheet-grid 高度自适应
要使 react-datasheet-grid 的高度自适应,可以使用 CSS 中的 flexbox 属性。具体来说,可以将包含 react-datasheet-grid 的容器元素设置为 display: flex,并将其 flex-direction 属性设置为 column。然后,将 react-datasheet-grid 元素的 flex 属性设置为 1,这样它就会占据剩余的空间并自适应高度。同时,还可以将 react-datasheet-grid 元素的 overflow-y 属性设置为 auto,以便在内容超出容器高度时自动出现滚动条。以下是一个示例 CSS 代码:
.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
height: 100vh; /* 或者适当的高度值 */
.react-datasheet-grid {
flex: 1;
overflow-y: auto;