uni.postMessage is not a function 的原因
时间: 2024-01-05 20:09:03 浏览: 276
这个错误通常出现在尝试在Web Worker中使用postMessage函数时,因为postMessage函数在Worker上下文中不可用。在这种情况下,可以尝试将postMessage函数替换为Worker.postMessage。如果您没有在Web Worker中使用postMessage函数,请检查是否拼写了postMessage函数的名称。
uni.$log is not a function
如果你在使用uni.$log()方法时出现了"uni.$log is not a function"的错误,可能是因为你的uni-app版本不支持该方法。该方法是从uni-app 2.4.3版本开始引入的,如果你的版本较旧,你需要升级你的uni-app版本才能使用该方法。
uni.writeJSON is not a function
The error message "uni.writeJSON is not a function" suggests that the "writeJSON" function is not defined in the "uni" object.
It is possible that you may have misspelled the function name or that it is not a built-in function in the "uni" object. You may want to check the documentation of the "uni" object to see if the function is available and how to properly use it.
Alternatively, you can try using a different function or method to write JSON data, such as "JSON.stringify" and "fs.writeFile".