时间: 2023-09-10 07:12:15 浏览: 91
1. 创建监听的文件描述符集合,并将需要监听事件的文件描述符添加到集合中。
2. 调用epoll_create、select或poll函数创建一个epoll对象或描述符集。
3. 循环等待事件发生:
- epoll_wait函数:等待文件描述符集合中的事件发生,返回就绪的文件描述符列表。
- select函数:等待文件描述符集合中的事件发生,返回就绪的文件描述符列表。
- poll函数:等待文件描述符集合中的事件发生,返回就绪的文件描述符列表。
4. 遍历就绪的文件描述符列表,处理每个就绪的事件:
- 对于可读事件,读取数据并进行处理。
- 对于可写事件,写入数据。
- 对于异常事件,进行相应处理。
5. 回到步骤3继续等待事件发生。
C++ epoll select poll
Epoll, select, and poll are all I/O multiplexing mechanisms used in Linux to handle multiple I/O operations with a single thread. They allow a program to wait for multiple I/O operations without blocking, thus improving the overall efficiency of the program.
Select is the oldest mechanism and is available on most Unix-like systems. It works by monitoring a set of file descriptors and notifying the program when an I/O operation is ready to be performed. However, select has several limitations, including a maximum limit on the number of file descriptors it can monitor and poor performance when monitoring large numbers of file descriptors.
Poll is a more recent mechanism that is similar to select but has some improvements, including a higher limit on the number of file descriptors it can monitor and better performance when monitoring large numbers of file descriptors. However, like select, poll still suffers from poor performance when monitoring a large number of file descriptors.
Epoll is the newest and most advanced mechanism, introduced in Linux 2.5.44. It uses a scalable event notification mechanism and can handle a large number of file descriptors efficiently. Unlike select and poll, epoll is not limited by the maximum number of file descriptors it can monitor, making it the preferred mechanism for high-performance applications that need to monitor a large number of file descriptors.
epoll select poll区别
1. 存储方式:select和poll采用轮询的方式来检查文件描述符是否处于就绪态,而epoll采用回调机制。这意味着随着文件描述符数量的增加,select和poll的效率会线性降低,而epoll不会受到太大影响,除非活跃的socket很多。\[1\]
2. 返回就绪文件描述符:select和poll并不会明确指出是哪些文件描述符就绪,而epoll会返回就绪的文件描述符。这使得在调用select和poll后,程序需要遍历监听的整个文件描述符来找到哪些处于就绪态,而epoll则可以直接处理就绪的文件描述符。\[1\]
3. 效率:由于epoll使用回调机制和红黑树的数据结构,它的效率比select和poll更高。而select和poll需要将有关文件描述符的数据结构拷贝进内核,最后再拷贝出来,而epoll创建的有关文件描述符的数据结构本身就存于内核态中,利用mmap()文件映射内存加速与内核空间的消息传递,减少了复制开销。\[1\]\[2\]
4. 边缘触发模式:epoll支持边缘触发模式,这意味着只有在文件描述符状态发生变化时才会通知应用程序,而不是在文件描述符处于就绪态时一直通知。这可以提高效率,避免充斥大量不关心的就绪文件描述符。\[1\]
#### 引用[.reference_title]
- *1* *2* *3* [epoll、poll、select的原理和区别](https://blog.csdn.net/wwwvipp/article/details/119888373)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^control_2,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item]
[ .reference_list ]