时间: 2023-08-01 21:11:30 浏览: 95
以下是一个求解标准形式线性规划问题的单纯形方法 MATLAB 程序的示例:
function [x, fval] = simplex(c, A, b)
% SIMPLEX Solve a linear programming problem in standard form using the simplex algorithm.
% x = SIMPLEX(c, A, b) solves the linear programming problem:
% minimize c'x
% subject to Ax = b
% x >= 0
% using the simplex algorithm. The inputs c, A, and b are the coefficients of the objective function,
% the constraint matrix, and the right-hand side vector, respectively. The output x is the optimal
% solution and fval is the optimal objective function value.
% Reference: "Numerical Optimization" by Nocedal and Wright, 2nd edition, page 304.
% initialize
[m, n] = size(A);
B = eye(m);
N = setdiff(1:n, 1:m);
x_B = b;
x_N = zeros(n-m, 1);
c_B = c(1:m);
c_N = c(N);
z = c_B' * x_B;
% loop
while true
% check optimality
if all(c_N >= 0)
x = zeros(n, 1);
x(N) = x_N;
x(1:m) = x_B;
fval = c' * x;
% choose entering variable
[~, j] = min(c_N);
% check unboundedness
if all(A(:, N(j)) <= 0)
error('Linear program is unbounded')
% choose leaving variable
t = x_B ./ A(:, N(j));
t(t <= 0) = Inf;
[~, i] = min(t);
% update basis
B(i, :) = A(i, :);
x_N(j) = x_B(i) / A(i, N(j));
x_B(i) = 0;
c_B(i) = c(N(j));
c_N(j) = 0;
N(j) = i;
% update objective function value
z = c_B' * x_B;
- `c`:长度为 `n` 的列向量,表示目标函数的系数。
- `A`:大小为 `m x n` 的矩阵,表示约束条件的系数矩阵。
- `b`:长度为 `m` 的列向量,表示约束条件的右侧常数向量。
- `x`:长度为 `n` 的列向量,表示最优解。
- `fval`:最优目标函数值。