Error in X[, c("V6", "V11", "V22")] : no 'dimnames' attribute for array
时间: 2023-09-05 21:09:52 浏览: 182
This error occurs when attempting to subset a data frame or matrix using column names that do not exist in the data frame or matrix.
For example, if we have a data frame called "df" with columns "V1", "V2", and "V3", and we attempt to subset the data frame using column names "V4" and "V5", we will get the "no 'dimnames' attribute for array" error:
df <- data.frame(V1 = c(1,2,3), V2 = c(4,5,6), V3 = c(7,8,9))
df[c("V4", "V5")]
To fix this error, make sure that the column names you are using to subset the data frame or matrix actually exist in the data.
Error in x[, c("V6", "V11", "V22")] : no 'dimnames' attribute for array
This error message suggests that you are trying to subset a matrix or data frame using column names, but the column names are not properly defined.
Here are a few possible solutions:
1. Check that the input object, x, is a matrix or data frame. If it is not, convert it to one using as.matrix() or
2. Check that the column names you are using ("V6", "V11", "V22") match exactly with the column names in the input object. If they do not, try using the correct column names or using column indices instead.
3. If the input object does not have column names, you can add them using colnames(). For example, if your input object has 3 columns, you can add column names by running colnames(x) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3").
Error in X("V6", "V11", "V22") : could not find function "X"
As an AI language model, I cannot infer the context in which this error is occurring. However, it seems like there is a mistake in the code where the function "X" is being called. The error message indicates that the function "X" cannot be found, which means it either does not exist or has not been properly defined/imported in the code. The code needs to be reviewed to identify and fix this issue.