python int乘float
时间: 2023-05-24 17:04:46 浏览: 575
x = 2
y = 3.5
z = x * y
print(z) # 输出结果为7.0,类型为float
python int float str
As an AI language model, I can provide a brief explanation of int, float, and str in Python.
- int: An int is a data type in Python that represents whole numbers. It can be positive or negative, but it cannot have a decimal point. For example, 1, 2, 3, -4, and 0 are all integers.
- float: A float is a data type in Python that represents numbers with decimal points. For example, 1.2, 3.14159, and -0.5 are all floats.
- str: A str is a data type in Python that represents a string of characters, such as letters, numbers, or symbols. Strings are typically enclosed in quotes, either single or double. For example, "hello", 'world', "123", and "!!!" are all strings.
a = 3.14
b = int(a)
print(b) # 输出3