使用Springboot和mybatis框架开发,给出具体程序,程序包含Dao层,Mapper.xml文件,Service层,Service实现类,Controller层,使用已有工具类LotteryUtils实现抽奖功能 1.根据活动查询出相应奖品,并根据奖品概率选出抽中的奖品,记录到抽奖表和中奖表中 2.不在进行中的活动弹出提示 3.超过抽奖限制次数弹出提示 4限制接口频繁访问 10秒内不允许同一个用户访问2次 5抛出异常时事务需要回滚 6.需要校验用户是否存在,奖品是否存在,库存是否足够,否则给与提示
时间: 2024-03-27 07:41:16 浏览: 80
1. Dao层
public interface LotteryDao {
int insertLottery(@Param("lottery") Lottery lottery);
int insertWinning(@Param("winning") Winning winning);
Lottery selectLotteryById(@Param("id") int id);
int updateLotteryStockById(@Param("id") int id, @Param("stock") int stock);
int countUserLotteriesToday(@Param("userId") int userId, @Param("activityId") int activityId, @Param("startTime") Date startTime, @Param("endTime") Date endTime);
2. Mapper.xml文件
<mapper namespace="com.example.lottery.dao.LotteryDao">
<insert id="insertLottery" parameterType="com.example.lottery.model.Lottery">
insert into lottery (activity_id, prize_name, prize_prob, stock, create_time, update_time)
values (#{lottery.activityId}, #{lottery.prizeName}, #{lottery.prizeProb}, #{lottery.stock}, now(), now())
<insert id="insertWinning" parameterType="com.example.lottery.model.Winning">
insert into winning (user_id, activity_id, prize_name, create_time)
values (#{winning.userId}, #{winning.activityId}, #{winning.prizeName}, now())
<select id="selectLotteryById" parameterType="int" resultType="com.example.lottery.model.Lottery">
select * from lottery where id = #{id}
<update id="updateLotteryStockById" parameterType="map">
update lottery set stock = #{stock}, update_time = now() where id = #{id}
<select id="countUserLotteriesToday" parameterType="map" resultType="int">
select count(*) from winning
where user_id = #{userId} and activity_id = #{activityId} and create_time between #{startTime} and #{endTime}
3. Service层
public interface LotteryService {
Lottery getLotteryById(int id);
Winning lottery(int userId, int activityId) throws Exception;
4. Service实现类
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public class LotteryServiceImpl implements LotteryService {
private LotteryDao lotteryDao;
private LotteryUtils lotteryUtils;
public Lottery getLotteryById(int id) {
return lotteryDao.selectLotteryById(id);
public Winning lottery(int userId, int activityId) throws Exception {
// 校验活动是否进行中
Activity activity = getActivityById(activityId);
if (activity == null || !activity.isInProgress()) {
throw new Exception("活动未进行中");
// 校验用户今天抽奖次数是否超限
Date today = new Date();
int count = lotteryDao.countUserLotteriesToday(userId, activityId, DateUtils.getStartOfDay(today), DateUtils.getEndOfDay(today));
if (count >= activity.getLimitPerDay()) {
throw new Exception("今天抽奖次数已用完");
// 校验用户是否存在
User user = getUserById(userId);
if (user == null) {
throw new Exception("用户不存在");
// 校验奖品是否存在且库存足够
List<Lottery> lotteries = getLotteriesByActivityId(activityId);
Lottery lottery = lotteryUtils.lottery(lotteries);
if (lottery == null) {
throw new Exception("奖品不存在或库存不足");
// 记录抽奖记录和中奖记录
int lotteryId = lottery.getId();
int winningId = 0;
try {
lotteryDao.updateLotteryStockById(lotteryId, lottery.getStock() - 1);
Winning winning = new Winning(userId, activityId, lottery.getPrizeName());
winningId = winning.getId();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("抽奖失败");
// 返回中奖记录
Winning winning = new Winning(winningId, userId, activityId, lottery.getPrizeName());
return winning;
private User getUserById(int id) {
// TODO: 查询用户
return null;
private Activity getActivityById(int id) {
// TODO: 查询活动
return null;
private List<Lottery> getLotteriesByActivityId(int activityId) {
// TODO: 查询奖品
return null;
5. Controller层
public class LotteryController {
private LotteryService lotteryService;
public ResponseEntity<?> draw(@RequestParam int userId, @RequestParam int activityId) {
try {
Winning winning = lotteryService.lottery(userId, activityId);
return new ResponseEntity<>(winning, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
6. LotteryUtils工具类
public class LotteryUtils {
public <T extends Lottery> T lottery(List<T> list) {
if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
return null;
double sumProb = 0;
for (Lottery item : list) {
sumProb += item.getPrizeProb();
double rand = Math.random() * sumProb;
double cumProb = 0;
for (T item : list) {
cumProb += item.getPrizeProb();
if (rand <= cumProb) {
return item;
return null;