GMutexLocker locker(&mutex);这种写法不对
时间: 2024-03-27 20:41:30 浏览: 39
GMutexLocker locker(mutex);
void adb_devices_thread::pause(unsigned long time) { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); pause_time = time; } void adb_devices_thread::resumed() { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); pause_time = 0; cond.notify_all(); }
这段代码展示了两个函数:pause 和 resumed,它们属于 adb_devices_thread 类的成员函数。
第一个函数 pause 接受一个 unsigned long 类型的参数 time。在函数内部,它使用 QMutexLocker 对象 locker 来自动锁定 mutex(互斥量)对象。然后,将 time 赋值给 pause_time 成员变量。
第二个函数 resumed 也使用了 QMutexLocker 对象 locker 来锁定 mutex 对象。在函数内部,它将 pause_time 设置为 0,表示线程已恢复。然后,通过调用 cond 的 notify_all() 函数来通知等待在 cond(条件变量)上的线程,表示线程已经恢复。
这两个函数的目的是控制 adb_devices_thread 类的线程的暂停和恢复。pause 函数用于暂停线程,并设置暂停时间;resumed 函数用于恢复线程,并通知等待的线程继续执行。
需要注意的是,这段代码只展示了函数的实现部分,没有包含类的完整定义。要正确理解这段代码的作用,还需要查看 adb_devices_thread 类的其他成员和相关代码。
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); 会导致阻塞吗
QMutexLocker is a class in the Qt library that provides a convenient way to lock a mutex for the duration of a scope. The constructor of the QMutexLocker class takes a pointer to a QMutex object, which is a mutual exclusion (mutex) object that ensures that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time. When the QMutexLocker object is constructed, it locks the mutex, and when it goes out of scope (either by reaching the end of the block or by throwing an exception), it automatically unlocks the mutex.
In the code snippet provided, the QMutexLocker object named "locker" is created with the "mutex" object as its argument. This means that the "mutex" object is locked for the duration of the block of code that follows. This ensures that any shared resources accessed within the block are protected from concurrent access by other threads. Once the block of code is finished executing, the "locker" object is destroyed, and the "mutex" object is automatically unlocked.