时间: 2024-06-03 22:07:54 浏览: 68
param.requires_grad is a property of a PyTorch tensor that determines whether the tensor's gradients should be computed during backpropagation. If requires_grad is set to True, the tensor will be included in the computation graph and its gradients will be computed during backpropagation. If requires_grad is set to False, the tensor will not be included in the computation graph and its gradients will not be computed during backpropagation. The default value of requires_grad is False.
param.requires_grad = requires_grad
在PyTorch中,`requires_grad`属性是一个布尔值,用于指示张量是否应该追踪其梯度信息以便于反向传播(backpropagation)。当设置为`True`时,这意味着当你运行一个计算图(computational graph),该张量的梯度将会被记录下来,这对于训练神经网络非常重要,因为我们需要计算损失关于权重的梯度来进行优化。
# 创建一个新的Tensor并默认要求跟踪梯度
weight = torch.randn(5, 5, requires_grad=True)
# 后续可以随时修改某个参数的梯度追踪状态
weight.requires_grad = False # 禁止梯度追踪
bias = torch.randn(5, requires_grad=True) # 新的参数默认追踪
# 训练过程中,我们可以选择性地停止某些不需要调整的中间变量的梯度追踪,提高效率
for p in model.parameters():
if 'bias' in # 假设模型有bias参数
p.requires_grad = False
param.requires_grad = false