实现先来先服务调度算法、短 进程优先调度算法、时间片轮转调度算法和优先级调度算法(抢占式)、高响应 比优先调度算法设计的步骤

时间: 2023-11-03 18:21:56 浏览: 51
这里给出实现先来先服务调度算法、短进程优先调度算法、时间片轮转调度算法和优先级调度算法(抢占式)、高响应比优先调度算法的大致步骤: 1. 首先需要设计进程控制块(PCB)来记录每个进程的信息,如进程ID、进程状态、进程优先级、进程到达时间、进程执行时间等。 2. 实现先来先服务调度算法,按照进程到达时间的先后顺序将进程加入就绪队列,每次从队列头取出一个进程进行执行,直到该进程执行完毕。 3. 实现短进程优先调度算法,将所有进程按照执行时间的长短排序,执行时间短的进程先执行,可以使用插入排序或者堆排序等算法。 4. 实现时间片轮转调度算法,设置一个时间片大小,将所有进程放入就绪队列中,每次从队列头取出一个进程执行固定时间片大小,如果该进程没有执行完,则重新放回队列尾部,等待下一次执行。 5. 实现优先级调度算法(抢占式),将所有进程按照优先级排序,执行优先级高的进程,如果有新的高优先级进程到达,则抢占当前正在执行的进程。 6. 实现高响应比优先调度算法,计算每个进程的响应比,响应比越高的进程先执行,可以使用动态优先级或者静态优先级来计算响应比。 需要注意的是,不同的算法实现可能需要使用不同的数据结构和算法技术,需要根据具体情况进行选择和实现。

编程实现:先来先服务调度算法、短 进程优先调度算法、时间片轮转调度算法和优先级调度算法(抢占式)、高响应 比优先调度算法。

先来先服务调度算法(FCFS): ```python def fcfs(processes): """ First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm Input: processes: a list of dictionaries containing process information Each dictionary should have the following keys: - 'pid': process ID - 'arrival_time': arrival time of the process - 'burst_time': burst time of the process Output: a list of tuples containing the order in which the processes are executed Each tuple should have the following format: (process ID, start time, end time) """ # Sort the processes by arrival time sorted_processes = sorted(processes, key=lambda x: x['arrival_time']) # Initialize the start and end times of the first process start_time = sorted_processes[0]['arrival_time'] end_time = start_time + sorted_processes[0]['burst_time'] # Initialize the order list with the first process order = [(sorted_processes[0]['pid'], start_time, end_time)] # Loop through the remaining processes and update the start and end times for i in range(1, len(sorted_processes)): if sorted_processes[i]['arrival_time'] > end_time: # If there is a gap between processes, update the start time start_time = sorted_processes[i]['arrival_time'] else: # If the next process arrives before the current process finishes, # update the end time start_time = end_time end_time = start_time + sorted_processes[i]['burst_time'] # Add the process to the order list order.append((sorted_processes[i]['pid'], start_time, end_time)) return order ``` 短进程优先调度算法(SJF): ```python def sjf(processes): """ Shortest-Job-First (SJF) scheduling algorithm Input: processes: a list of dictionaries containing process information Each dictionary should have the following keys: - 'pid': process ID - 'arrival_time': arrival time of the process - 'burst_time': burst time of the process Output: a list of tuples containing the order in which the processes are executed Each tuple should have the following format: (process ID, start time, end time) """ # Sort the processes by arrival time and burst time sorted_processes = sorted(processes, key=lambda x: (x['arrival_time'], x['burst_time'])) # Initialize the start and end times of the first process start_time = sorted_processes[0]['arrival_time'] end_time = start_time + sorted_processes[0]['burst_time'] # Initialize the order list with the first process order = [(sorted_processes[0]['pid'], start_time, end_time)] # Loop through the remaining processes and update the start and end times for i in range(1, len(sorted_processes)): if sorted_processes[i]['arrival_time'] > end_time: # If there is a gap between processes, update the start time start_time = sorted_processes[i]['arrival_time'] else: # If the next process arrives before the current process finishes, # update the end time start_time = end_time end_time = start_time + sorted_processes[i]['burst_time'] # Add the process to the order list order.append((sorted_processes[i]['pid'], start_time, end_time)) return order ``` 时间片轮转调度算法(RR): ```python def rr(processes, quantum): """ Round-Robin (RR) scheduling algorithm Input: processes: a list of dictionaries containing process information Each dictionary should have the following keys: - 'pid': process ID - 'arrival_time': arrival time of the process - 'burst_time': burst time of the process quantum: the time quantum for the algorithm Output: a list of tuples containing the order in which the processes are executed Each tuple should have the following format: (process ID, start time, end time) """ # Sort the processes by arrival time sorted_processes = sorted(processes, key=lambda x: x['arrival_time']) # Initialize the start and end times of the first process start_time = sorted_processes[0]['arrival_time'] end_time = min(start_time + sorted_processes[0]['burst_time'], sorted_processes[1]['arrival_time']) if len(sorted_processes) > 1 else start_time + sorted_processes[0]['burst_time'] # Initialize the order list with the first process order = [(sorted_processes[0]['pid'], start_time, end_time)] # Initialize the queue with the remaining processes queue = sorted_processes[1:] # Loop through the queue until all processes are executed while queue: # Get the next process in the queue current_process = queue.pop(0) # If the process has not arrived yet, skip it if current_process['arrival_time'] > end_time: queue.append(current_process) continue # Calculate the remaining burst time for the current process remaining_time = current_process['burst_time'] start_time = end_time # Loop through the time slices until the process finishes while remaining_time > 0: # If the time slice is smaller than the remaining time, update the end time if remaining_time > quantum: end_time = start_time + quantum remaining_time -= quantum else: end_time = start_time + remaining_time remaining_time = 0 # Add the process to the order list order.append((current_process['pid'], start_time, end_time)) # Update the start time for the next time slice start_time = end_time # Check if there are any new processes that have arrived for process in queue: if process['arrival_time'] <= end_time: queue.remove(process) queue.append(current_process) current_process = process remaining_time = current_process['burst_time'] break return order ``` 优先级调度算法(抢占式): ```python def priority_preemptive(processes): """ Priority scheduling algorithm (preemptive) Input: processes: a list of dictionaries containing process information Each dictionary should have the following keys: - 'pid': process ID - 'arrival_time': arrival time of the process - 'burst_time': burst time of the process - 'priority': priority of the process (higher number = higher priority) Output: a list of tuples containing the order in which the processes are executed Each tuple should have the following format: (process ID, start time, end time) """ # Sort the processes by arrival time and priority sorted_processes = sorted(processes, key=lambda x: (x['arrival_time'], -x['priority'])) # Initialize the start and end times of the first process start_time = sorted_processes[0]['arrival_time'] end_time = start_time + sorted_processes[0]['burst_time'] # Initialize the order list with the first process order = [(sorted_processes[0]['pid'], start_time, end_time)] # Initialize the queue with the remaining processes queue = sorted_processes[1:] # Loop through the queue until all processes are executed while queue: # Get the highest-priority process in the queue current_process = max(queue, key=lambda x: x['priority']) # If the process has not arrived yet, skip it if current_process['arrival_time'] > end_time: queue.remove(current_process) continue # Calculate the remaining burst time for the current process remaining_time = current_process['burst_time'] start_time = end_time # Loop through the remaining processes to check if there is a higher-priority process for process in queue: if process['arrival_time'] <= end_time and process['priority'] > current_process['priority']: # If there is a higher-priority process, preempt the current process queue.remove(process) queue.append(current_process) current_process = process remaining_time = current_process['burst_time'] break # Loop through the time slices until the process finishes while remaining_time > 0: # If the next process has a higher priority, preempt the current process if queue and max(queue, key=lambda x: x['priority'])['priority'] > current_process['priority']: break # If the time slice is smaller than the remaining time, update the end time if remaining_time > 1: end_time += 1 remaining_time -= 1 else: end_time += 1 remaining_time = 0 # Add the process to the order list order.append((current_process['pid'], start_time, end_time)) return order ``` 高响应比优先调度算法: ```python def hrrn(processes): """ Highest-Response-Ratio-Next (HRRN) scheduling algorithm Input: processes: a list of dictionaries containing process information Each dictionary should have the following keys: - 'pid': process ID - 'arrival_time': arrival time of the process - 'burst_time': burst time of the process Output: a list of tuples containing the order in which the processes are executed Each tuple should have the following format: (process ID, start time, end time) """ # Sort the processes by arrival time sorted_processes = sorted(processes, key=lambda x: x['arrival_time']) # Initialize the start and end times of the first process start_time = sorted_processes[0]['arrival_time'] end_time = start_time + sorted_processes[0]['burst_time'] # Initialize the order list with the first process order = [(sorted_processes[0]['pid'], start_time, end_time)] # Initialize the queue with the remaining processes queue = sorted_processes[1:] # Loop through the queue until all processes are executed while queue: # Calculate the response ratio for each process in the queue response_ratios = [] for process in queue: wait_time = max(0, end_time - process['arrival_time']) response_ratio = (wait_time + process['burst_time']) / process['burst_time'] response_ratios.append(response_ratio) # Get the process with the highest response ratio index = response_ratios.index(max(response_ratios)) current_process = queue.pop(index) # Calculate the remaining burst time for the current process remaining_time = current_process['burst_time'] start_time = end_time # Loop through the time slices until the process finishes while remaining_time > 0: # If the next process has a higher response ratio, preempt the current process response_ratios = [] for process in queue: wait_time = max(0, end_time - process['arrival_time']) response_ratio = (wait_time + process['burst_time']) / process['burst_time'] response_ratios.append(response_ratio) if queue and max(response_ratios) > ((end_time - current_process['arrival_time']) / current_process['burst_time']): break # If the time slice is smaller than the remaining time, update the end time if remaining_time > 1: end_time += 1 remaining_time -= 1 else: end_time += 1 remaining_time = 0 # Add the process to the order list order.append((current_process['pid'], start_time, end_time)) return order ```

用c++综合实现:先来先服务调度算法、短 进程优先调度算法、时间片轮转调度算法和优先级调度算法(抢占式)、高响应 比优先调度算法。

以下是用 C++ 综合实现先来先服务调度算法、短进程优先调度算法、时间片轮转调度算法和优先级调度算法(抢占式)、高响应比优先调度算法的示例代码。 先来先服务调度算法: ```cpp #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct node{ int id; int arriveTime; int serveTime; int startTime; int waitTime; int finishTime; bool operator < (const node &b) const{ return arriveTime<b.arriveTime; } }a[1005]; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>a[i].arriveTime>>a[i].serveTime; a[i].id=i; } sort(a+1,a+n+1); a[1].startTime=a[1].arriveTime; a[1].finishTime=a[1].startTime+a[1].serveTime; a[1].waitTime=0; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ if(a[i].arriveTime<=a[i-1].finishTime){ a[i].startTime=a[i-1].finishTime; } else{ a[i].startTime=a[i].arriveTime; } a[i].finishTime=a[i].startTime+a[i].serveTime; a[i].waitTime=a[i].startTime-a[i].arriveTime; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cout<<"Process "<<a[i].id<<":\n"; cout<<"Start time: "<<a[i].startTime<<endl; cout<<"Finish time: "<<a[i].finishTime<<endl; cout<<"Wait time: "<<a[i].waitTime<<endl; cout<<endl; } return 0; } ``` 短进程优先调度算法: ```cpp #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct node{ int id; int arriveTime; int serveTime; int startTime; int waitTime; int finishTime; bool operator < (const node &b) const{ if(arriveTime!=b.arriveTime){ return arriveTime<b.arriveTime; } else{ return serveTime<b.serveTime; } } }a[1005]; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>a[i].arriveTime>>a[i].serveTime; a[i].id=i; } sort(a+1,a+n+1); a[1].startTime=a[1].arriveTime; a[1].finishTime=a[1].startTime+a[1].serveTime; a[1].waitTime=0; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ int pos=i; for(int j=i-1;j>=1;j--){ if(a[j].finishTime<=a[i].arriveTime){ break; } if(a[j].serveTime<a[pos].serveTime){ pos=j; } } swap(a[i],a[pos]); if(a[i].arriveTime<=a[i-1].finishTime){ a[i].startTime=a[i-1].finishTime; } else{ a[i].startTime=a[i].arriveTime; } a[i].finishTime=a[i].startTime+a[i].serveTime; a[i].waitTime=a[i].startTime-a[i].arriveTime; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cout<<"Process "<<a[i].id<<":\n"; cout<<"Start time: "<<a[i].startTime<<endl; cout<<"Finish time: "<<a[i].finishTime<<endl; cout<<"Wait time: "<<a[i].waitTime<<endl; cout<<endl; } return 0; } ``` 时间片轮转调度算法: ```cpp #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<queue> using namespace std; struct node{ int id; int arriveTime; int serveTime; int startTime; int waitTime; int finishTime; int leftTime; bool operator < (const node &b) const{ if(arriveTime!=b.arriveTime){ return arriveTime<b.arriveTime; } else{ return serveTime<b.serveTime; } } }a[1005]; queue<node> q; int main(){ int n,timeSlice; cin>>n>>timeSlice; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>a[i].arriveTime>>a[i].serveTime; a[i].id=i; a[i].leftTime=a[i].serveTime; } sort(a+1,a+n+1); a[1].startTime=a[1].arriveTime; a[1].finishTime=a[1].startTime+min(a[1].leftTime,timeSlice); a[1].waitTime=a[1].startTime-a[1].arriveTime; if(a[1].leftTime<=timeSlice){ a[1].leftTime=0; } else{ a[1].leftTime-=timeSlice; q.push(a[1]); } int currentTime=a[1].finishTime; int cnt=1; while(!q.empty()||cnt<n){ while(cnt<n&&a[cnt+1].arriveTime<=currentTime){ cnt++; q.push(a[cnt]); } if(q.empty()){ cnt++; q.push(a[cnt]); currentTime=a[cnt].arriveTime; } node tmp=q.front(); q.pop(); tmp.startTime=currentTime; tmp.finishTime=currentTime+min(tmp.leftTime,timeSlice); tmp.waitTime=tmp.startTime-tmp.arriveTime; currentTime=tmp.finishTime; if(tmp.leftTime<=timeSlice){ tmp.leftTime=0; } else{ tmp.leftTime-=timeSlice; q.push(tmp); } a[tmp.id]=tmp; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cout<<"Process "<<a[i].id<<":\n"; cout<<"Start time: "<<a[i].startTime<<endl; cout<<"Finish time: "<<a[i].finishTime<<endl; cout<<"Wait time: "<<a[i].waitTime<<endl; cout<<endl; } return 0; } ``` 优先级调度算法(抢占式): ```cpp #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<queue> using namespace std; struct node{ int id; int arriveTime; int serveTime; int startTime; int waitTime; int finishTime; int priority; bool operator < (const node &b) const{ if(arriveTime!=b.arriveTime){ return arriveTime<b.arriveTime; } else{ return priority<b.priority; } } }a[1005]; struct cmp{ bool operator () (node x,node y) const{ return x.priority<y.priority; } }; priority_queue<node,vector<node>,cmp> q; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>a[i].arriveTime>>a[i].serveTime>>a[i].priority; a[i].id=i; } sort(a+1,a+n+1); a[1].startTime=a[1].arriveTime; a[1].finishTime=a[1].startTime+a[1].serveTime; a[1].waitTime=a[1].startTime-a[1].arriveTime; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ if(a[i].arriveTime<=a[i-1].finishTime){ a[i].startTime=a[i-1].finishTime; } else{ a[i].startTime=a[i].arriveTime; } a[i].finishTime=a[i].startTime+a[i].serveTime; a[i].waitTime=a[i].startTime-a[i].arriveTime; } int currentTime=a[1].finishTime; int cnt=1; while(!q.empty()||cnt<n){ while(cnt<n&&a[cnt+1].arriveTime<=currentTime){ cnt++; q.push(a[cnt]); } if(q.empty()){ cnt++; q.push(a[cnt]); currentTime=a[cnt].arriveTime; } node tmp=q.top(); q.pop(); tmp.startTime=currentTime; tmp.finishTime=currentTime+tmp.serveTime; tmp.waitTime=tmp.startTime-tmp.arriveTime; currentTime=tmp.finishTime; a[tmp.id]=tmp; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cout<<"Process "<<a[i].id<<":\n"; cout<<"Start time: "<<a[i].startTime<<endl; cout<<"Finish time: "<<a[i].finishTime<<endl; cout<<"Wait time: "<<a[i].waitTime<<endl; cout<<endl; } return 0; } ``` 高响应比优先调度算法: ```cpp #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<queue> using namespace std; struct node{ int id; int arriveTime; int serveTime; int startTime; int waitTime; int finishTime; int priority; double ratio; bool operator < (const node &b) const{ if(arriveTime!=b.arriveTime){ return arriveTime<b.arriveTime; } else{ return ratio<b.ratio; } } }a[1005]; struct cmp{ bool operator () (node x,node y) const{ return x.priority<y.priority; } }; priority_queue<node,vector<node>,cmp> q; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin>>a[i].arriveTime>>a[i].serveTime>>a[i].priority; a[i].id=i; a[i].ratio=1.0*a[i].serveTime/a[i].waitTime; } sort(a+1,a+n+1); a[1].startTime=a[1].arriveTime; a[1].finishTime=a[1].startTime+a[1].serveTime; a[1].waitTime=a[1].startTime-a[1].arriveTime; for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){ if(a[i].arriveTime<=a[i-1].finishTime){ a[i].startTime=a[i-1].finishTime; } else{ a[i].startTime=a[i].arriveTime; } a[i].finishTime=a[i].startTime+a[i].serveTime; a[i].waitTime=a[i].startTime-a[i].arriveTime; } int currentTime=a[1].finishTime; int cnt=1; while(!q.empty()||cnt<n){ while(cnt<n&&a[cnt+1].arriveTime<=currentTime){ cnt++; a[cnt].waitTime=currentTime-a[cnt].arriveTime; a[cnt].ratio=1.0*a[cnt].serveTime/a[cnt].waitTime; q.push(a[cnt]); } if(q.empty()){ cnt++; a[cnt].waitTime=0; a[cnt].ratio=1.0*a[cnt].serveTime; q.push(a[cnt]); currentTime=a[cnt].arriveTime; } node tmp=q.top(); q.pop(); tmp.startTime=currentTime; tmp.finishTime=currentTime+tmp.serveTime; tmp.waitTime=tmp.startTime-tmp.arriveTime; currentTime=tmp.finishTime; a[tmp.id]=tmp; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cout<<"Process "<<a[i].id<<":\n"; cout<<"Start time: "<<a[i].startTime<<endl; cout<<"Finish time: "<<a[i].finishTime<<endl; cout<<"Wait time: "<<a[i].waitTime<<endl; cout<<endl; } return 0; } ```





东南亚位于我国倡导推进的“一带一路”海陆交汇地带,作为当今全球发展最为迅速的地区之一,近年来区域内生产总值实现了显著且稳定的增长。根据东盟主要经济体公布的最新数据,印度尼西亚2023年国内生产总值(GDP)增长5.05%;越南2023年经济增长5.05%;马来西亚2023年经济增速为3.7%;泰国2023年经济增长1.9%;新加坡2023年经济增长1.1%;柬埔寨2023年经济增速预计为5.6%。 东盟国家在“一带一路”沿线国家中的总体GDP经济规模、贸易总额与国外直接投资均为最大,因此有着举足轻重的地位和作用。当前,东盟与中国已互相成为双方最大的交易伙伴。中国-东盟贸易总额已从2013年的443亿元增长至 2023年合计超逾6.4万亿元,占中国外贸总值的15.4%。在过去20余年中,东盟国家不断在全球多变的格局里面临挑战并寻求机遇。2023东盟国家主要经济体受到国内消费、国外投资、货币政策、旅游业复苏、和大宗商品出口价企稳等方面的提振,经济显现出稳步增长态势和强韧性的潜能。 本调研报告旨在深度挖掘东南亚市场的增长潜力与发展机会,分析东南亚市场竞争态势、销售模式、客户偏好、整体市场营商环境,为国内企业出海开展业务提供客观参考意见。 本文核心内容: 市场空间:全球行业市场空间、东南亚市场发展空间。 竞争态势:全球份额,东南亚市场企业份额。 销售模式:东南亚市场销售模式、本地代理商 客户情况:东南亚本地客户及偏好分析 营商环境:东南亚营商环境分析 本文纳入的企业包括国外及印尼本土企业,以及相关上下游企业等,部分名单 QYResearch是全球知名的大型咨询公司,行业涵盖各高科技行业产业链细分市场,横跨如半导体产业链(半导体设备及零部件、半导体材料、集成电路、制造、封测、分立器件、传感器、光电器件)、光伏产业链(设备、硅料/硅片、电池片、组件、辅料支架、逆变器、电站终端)、新能源汽车产业链(动力电池及材料、电驱电控、汽车半导体/电子、整车、充电桩)、通信产业链(通信系统设备、终端设备、电子元器件、射频前端、光模块、4G/5G/6G、宽带、IoT、数字经济、AI)、先进材料产业链(金属材料、高分子材料、陶瓷材料、纳米材料等)、机械制造产业链(数控机床、工程机械、电气机械、3C自动化、工业机器人、激光、工控、无人机)、食品药品、医疗器械、农业等。邮箱:market@qyresearch.com


windows本地开发Maven配置文件 注意修改第55行 <localRepository>标签中的地址为自己的Maven仓库地址




"基于Springboot的医院信管系统是一个利用现代信息技术和网络技术改进医院信息管理的创新项目。在信息化时代,传统的管理方式已经难以满足高效和便捷的需求,医院信管系统的出现正是适应了这一趋势。系统采用Java语言和B/S架构,即浏览器/服务器模式,结合MySQL作为后端数据库,旨在提升医院信息管理的效率。 项目开发过程遵循了标准的软件开发流程,包括市场调研以了解需求,需求分析以明确系统功能,概要设计和详细设计阶段用于规划系统架构和模块设计,编码则是将设计转化为实际的代码实现。系统的核心功能模块包括首页展示、个人中心、用户管理、医生管理、科室管理、挂号管理、取消挂号管理、问诊记录管理、病房管理、药房管理和管理员管理等,涵盖了医院运营的各个环节。 医院信管系统的优势主要体现在:快速的信息检索,通过输入相关信息能迅速获取结果;大量信息存储且保证安全,相较于纸质文件,系统节省空间和人力资源;此外,其在线特性使得信息更新和共享更为便捷。开发这个系统对于医院来说,不仅提高了管理效率,还降低了成本,符合现代社会对数字化转型的需求。 本文详细阐述了医院信管系统的发展背景、技术选择和开发流程,以及关键组件如Java语言和MySQL数据库的应用。最后,通过功能测试、单元测试和性能测试验证了系统的有效性,结果显示系统功能完整,性能稳定。这个基于Springboot的医院信管系统是一个实用且先进的解决方案,为医院的信息管理带来了显著的提升。"


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![字符串转Float性能调优:优化Python字符串转Float性能的技巧和工具](https://pic1.zhimg.com/80/v2-3fea10875a3656144a598a13c97bb84c_1440w.webp) # 1. 字符串转 Float 性能调优概述 字符串转 Float 是一个常见的操作,在数据处理和科学计算中经常遇到。然而,对于大规模数据集或性能要求较高的应用,字符串转 Float 的效率至关重要。本章概述了字符串转 Float 性能调优的必要性,并介绍了优化方法的分类。 ### 1.1 性能调优的必要性 字符串转 Float 的性能问题主要体现在以下方面

Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-uglify

当你遇到 "Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-uglify'" 这个错误时,它通常意味着Node.js在尝试运行一个依赖了 `gulp-uglify` 模块的Gulp任务时,找不到这个模块。`gulp-uglify` 是一个Gulp插件,用于压缩JavaScript代码以减少文件大小。 解决这个问题的步骤一般包括: 1. **检查安装**:确保你已经全局安装了Gulp(`npm install -g gulp`),然后在你的项目目录下安装 `gulp-uglify`(`npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify`)。 2. **配置


"冬奥会科普平台的开发旨在利用现代信息技术,如Java编程语言和MySQL数据库,构建一个高效、安全的信息管理系统,以改善传统科普方式的不足。该平台采用B/S架构,提供包括首页、个人中心、用户管理、项目类型管理、项目管理、视频管理、论坛和系统管理等功能,以提升冬奥会科普的检索速度、信息存储能力和安全性。通过需求分析、设计、编码和测试等步骤,确保了平台的稳定性和功能性。" 在这个基于Springboot的冬奥会科普平台项目中,我们关注以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Springboot框架**: Springboot是Java开发中流行的应用框架,它简化了创建独立的、生产级别的基于Spring的应用程序。Springboot的特点在于其自动配置和起步依赖,使得开发者能快速搭建应用程序,并减少常规配置工作。 2. **B/S架构**: 浏览器/服务器模式(B/S)是一种客户端-服务器架构,用户通过浏览器访问服务器端的应用程序,降低了客户端的维护成本,提高了系统的可访问性。 3. **Java编程语言**: Java是这个项目的主要开发语言,具有跨平台性、面向对象、健壮性等特点,适合开发大型、分布式系统。 4. **MySQL数据库**: MySQL是一个开源的关系型数据库管理系统,因其高效、稳定和易于使用而广泛应用于Web应用程序,为平台提供数据存储和查询服务。 5. **需求分析**: 开发前的市场调研和需求分析是项目成功的关键,它帮助确定平台的功能需求,如用户管理、项目管理等,以便满足不同用户群体的需求。 6. **数据库设计**: 数据库设计包括概念设计、逻辑设计和物理设计,涉及表结构、字段定义、索引设计等,以支持平台的高效数据操作。 7. **模块化设计**: 平台功能模块化有助于代码组织和复用,包括首页模块、个人中心模块、管理系统模块等,每个模块负责特定的功能。 8. **软件开发流程**: 遵循传统的软件生命周期模型,包括市场调研、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、编码、测试和维护,确保项目的质量和可维护性。 9. **功能测试、单元测试和性能测试**: 在开发过程中,通过这些测试确保平台功能的正确性、模块的独立性和系统的性能,以达到预期的用户体验。 10. **微信小程序、安卓源码**: 虽然主要描述中没有详细说明,但考虑到标签包含这些内容,可能平台还提供了移动端支持,如微信小程序和安卓应用,以便用户通过移动设备访问和交互。 这个基于Springboot的冬奥会科普平台项目结合了现代信息技术和软件工程的最佳实践,旨在通过信息化手段提高科普效率,为用户提供便捷、高效的科普信息管理服务。


多样性她- 事实上SCI NCES你的时间表ECOLEDO C Tora SC和NCESPOUR l’Ingén学习互动,互动学习以行动为中心的强化学习学会互动,互动学习,以行动为中心的强化学习计算机科学博士论文于2021年9月28日在Villeneuve d'Asq公开支持马修·瑟林评审团主席法布里斯·勒菲弗尔阿维尼翁大学教授论文指导奥利维尔·皮耶昆谷歌研究教授:智囊团论文联合主任菲利普·普雷教授,大学。里尔/CRISTAL/因里亚报告员奥利维耶·西格德索邦大学报告员卢多维奇·德诺耶教授,Facebook /索邦大学审查员越南圣迈IMT Atlantic高级讲师邀请弗洛里安·斯特鲁布博士,Deepmind对于那些及时看到自己错误的人...3谢谢你首先,我要感谢我的两位博士生导师Olivier和Philippe。奥利维尔,"站在巨人的肩膀上"这句话对你来说完全有意义了。从科学上讲,你知道在这篇论文的(许多)错误中,你是我可以依


![Python字符串转Float最佳实践:从初学者到专家的进阶指南](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/1678da8423d7b3a1544fd4e6457be4d1.png) # 1. Python字符串转Float基础** Python中字符串转Float的本质是将文本表示的数字转换为浮点数。这在数据处理、科学计算和许多其他应用中至关重要。本章将介绍字符串转Float的基础知识,包括: * **字符串转Float的意义:**理解字符串和浮点数之间的差异,以及为什么需要进行转换。 * **内置函数:**探索float()函数和decima