List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Object> objects1 = new ArrayList<>();这俩种写法有什么区别
时间: 2024-03-29 08:41:30 浏览: 106
第一种写法中,`List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>();`创建了一个名为`objects`的`List`对象,该列表可以存储任何类型的对象。也就是说,可以向该列表中添加任何类型的对象,包括字符串、整数、自定义对象等。
而第二种写法中,`ArrayList<Object> objects1 = new ArrayList<>();`创建了一个名为`objects1`的`ArrayList`对象,该列表只能存储`Object`类型的对象。也就是说,只能向该列表中添加`Object`类型的对象,不能存储其他类型的对象。
List<RowStyle> rowStyles = new ArrayList<>();
This line of code creates a new ArrayList object called "rowStyles" that can hold objects of type "RowStyle". The "<>" notation indicates that this is a generic ArrayList, meaning it can hold any type of object as long as it is a subclass of "RowStyle". The "List" interface is implemented by ArrayList, which means that ArrayList can be used in any context where a List is expected.
List<Map<String, Object>> maps = new ArrayList<>();
This code declares an empty ArrayList of maps. Each map in the list will have keys that are strings and values that are objects. The type of objects that can be stored in the map is not specified here. The list can be used to store a collection of maps, each representing a set of key-value pairs.