时间: 2023-05-03 17:04:53 浏览: 170
作为Hive的官方JDBC驱动程序,jdbc2.1.1版本使用起来非常便捷,具有良好的可扩展性和兼容性。它支持多种Java环境,并且能够适应不同的数据源,包括HDFS、HBase、Amazon S3等等。
Cannot resolve org.apache.hive:hive-jdbc:2.1.1-cdh6.3.4
This error usually occurs when the Maven repository cannot find the required artifact for the specified version. In this case, it seems that the artifact "org.apache.hive:hive-jdbc:2.1.1-cdh6.3.4" is not available in the Maven repository.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following:
1. Check if the Maven repository is properly configured in your project. Ensure that the repository URL and credentials are correct.
2. Check if the artifact is available in a different version. You can try using a different version of the "hive-jdbc" artifact.
3. If the artifact is not available in any version, you can manually download the JAR file and add it to your project's classpath.
4. You can also try adding the Cloudera repository to your project's pom.xml file. Here is an example:
Once you have added this repository, try running the Maven command again to see if it resolves the issue.
which: no hbase in (/home/jdk1.8.0_144/bin:/home/hadoop-2.8.2/sbin:/home/hadoop-2.8.2/bin:/home/apache-hive-2.1.1-bin/bin:/home/sqoop-1.4.5-cdh5.3.6/bin:/home/jdk1.8.0_144/bin:/home/hadoop-2.8.2/sbin:/home/hadoop-2.8.2/bin:/home/apache-hive-2.1.1-bin/bin:/home/jdk1.8.0_144/bin:/home/hadoop-2.8.2/sbin:/home/hadoop-2.8.2/bin:/home/jdk1.8.0_144/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin) SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/apache-hive-2.1.1-bin/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.4.1.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/hadoop-2.8.2/share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.10.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: See for an explanation. SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory] Connecting to jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 23/07/19 10:32:24 [main]: WARN jdbc.HiveConnection: Failed to connect to localhost:10000 Could not open connection to the HS2 server. Please check the server URI and if the URI is correct, then ask the administrator to check the server status. Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000: Connection refused (Connection refused) (state=08S01,code=0) Beeline version 2.1.1 by Apache Hive
根据您提供的信息,您尝试连接到Hive Server2的端口10000时出现了连接失败的错误。该错误提示表明无法连接到Hive Server2,可能有几个原因:
1. Hive Server2未运行:请确保Hive Server2已经成功启动。您可以使用以下命令检查Hive Server2的状态:
sudo systemctl status hive-server2
如果Hive Server2未运行,请使用以下命令启动它:
sudo systemctl start hive-server2
2. 端口号不正确:请确保您正在使用正确的端口号。默认情况下,Hive Server2使用端口10000进行通信,但在某些情况下,该端口可能被修改。确保您正在使用正确的端口号。
3. 防火墙或网络问题:如果您的系统上启用了防火墙,请确保允许通过端口10000进行连接。或者,您的网络环境可能存在问题,导致无法连接到端口10000。请检查网络配置和防火墙设置,确保可以从您的系统访问到目标主机的端口10000。