return self as result 是什么意思
时间: 2024-05-12 20:13:36 浏览: 84
`return self as result` 表示将当前对象 `self` 作为函数的返回值,且将其类型强制转换为 `result`。这通常在面向对象编程中使用,可以让函数返回当前对象本身,以便允许链式调用。例如:
class MyClass:
def do_something(self):
# do something
return self
def do_another_thing(self):
# do another thing
return self
obj = MyClass()
在上面的示例中,`do_something()` 和 `do_another_thing()` 都返回 `self`,即当前对象。这使得可以在一行代码中调用多个函数,从而实现链式调用。
return self as result
This line of code returns the current instance of the class it's in as the result of a method or function. Essentially, it means that whatever object the method or function is called on will be returned as the result of the method or function.
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE my_type AS OBJECT ( name VARCHAR2(20), 2 3 age NUMBER, 4 STATIC total NUMBER := 0, 5 CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION my_type(name IN VARCHAR2, 6 age IN NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, MEMBER FUNCTION get_name RETURN VARCHAR2, 7 8 MEMBER PROCEDURE update_total 9 ); / 10 Warning: Type created with compilation errors.
这段代码是创建了一个名为 "my_type" 的 Oracle 数据库对象类型。它包含了一个构造函数和两个成员函数。构造函数用于初始化对象的属性,成员函数用于获取对象的属性值和更新一个静态变量 total 的值。但是,代码存在编译错误,具体错误信息需要查看警告信息来确定。你可以使用 "show errors" 命令来查看编译错误信息,例如:
SQL> show errors;