汇编语言cmp jna
时间: 2023-09-04 07:16:31 浏览: 339
汇编语言中的cmp指令用于比较两个操作数的大小关系,其语法一般为cmp operand1, operand2。其中operand1和operand2可以是寄存器、内存地址或立即数等。
jna指令是条件跳转指令之一,其含义为“Jump if Not Above(跳转如果不大于)”。当cmp指令比较的两个操作数满足operand1 <= operand2时,jna指令会跳转到指定的目标地址执行。否则,程序会继续执行接下来的指令。其语法一般为jna target。其中target表示跳转目标的地址。
举个例子,假设我们要比较寄存器eax和ebx的大小关系,并且当eax <= ebx时跳转到标号label处执行。那么汇编代码可以写成:
cmp eax, ebx
jna label
当eax <= ebx时,程序会跳转到label处执行。否则,程序会继续执行下一条指令。
假设无符号字节序列存储在内存中的起始地址为 `addr`,长度为 `len`,则可以使用汇编语言实现以下代码来求解最大值和最小值:
mov esi, addr ; 将起始地址存储在 esi 寄存器中
mov al, [esi] ; 将第一个字节赋值给 al 寄存器
mov bl, [esi] ; 将第一个字节赋值给 bl 寄存器
cmp byte ptr [esi], bl ; 比较当前字节和最小值
jna not_smaller ; 如果当前字节小于等于最小值,则跳转到 not_smaller 标签
mov bl, byte ptr [esi] ; 否则将当前字节赋值给 bl 寄存器
cmp byte ptr [esi], al ; 比较当前字节和最大值
jnb not_bigger ; 如果当前字节大于等于最大值,则跳转到 not_bigger 标签
mov al, byte ptr [esi] ; 否则将当前字节赋值给 al 寄存器
inc esi ; 指针指向下一个字节
dec len ; 字节数量减 1
jnz loop_start ; 如果还有字节未处理,则跳转到 loop_start 标签
; 最大值存储在 al 寄存器中,最小值存储在 bl 寄存器中
上述代码中使用了两个循环,分别用于求解最大值和最小值。在循环中,通过比较当前字节与最大值或最小值,更新最大值和最小值。最终,最大值存储在 al 寄存器中,最小值存储在 bl 寄存器中。
汇编语言编程实现由键盘输入任意一个字符,将该字符用十六进制形式显示出它的 ASCII 码值
section .data
msg db 'Enter a character: ' ; prompt message
hex db 'The ASCII code in hex is: 0x' ; message for hex value
section .bss
char resb 1 ; allocate one byte of memory for input character
section .text
global _start
; print prompt message
mov eax, 4 ; system call for write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor for stdout
mov ecx, msg ; address of message to write
mov edx, 17 ; number of bytes to write
int 0x80 ; call kernel
; read one character from keyboard
mov eax, 3 ; system call for read
mov ebx, 0 ; file descriptor for stdin
mov ecx, char ; address to store input character
mov edx, 1 ; number of bytes to read
int 0x80 ; call kernel
; convert input character to hexadecimal
mov eax, 0 ; clear eax register
mov al, [char] ; move input character to al register
mov ebx, 16 ; move the base of hexadecimal to ebx
xor edx, edx ; clear edx register
div ebx ; divide al by ebx (16)
add al, 0x30 ; convert remainder (0-9) to ASCII code
cmp al, 0x3A ; check remainder (0-9)
jna .hex ; jump to hex routine if remainder is less than 10
add al, 7 ; convert remainder (A-F) to ASCII code
push eax ; push remainder to stack
mov eax, 4 ; call write system call
mov ebx, 1 ; write to stdout
mov ecx, hex ; message for hex value
mov edx, 27 ; number of bytes to write
int 0x80 ; call kernel
pop eax ; pop remainder from stack
add al, 0x30 ; convert quotient (0-9) to ASCII code
cmp al, 0x3A ; check quotient (0-9)
jna .next ; jump to next character if quotient is less than 10
add al, 7 ; convert quotient (A-F) to ASCII code
mov ebx, 16 ; move the base of hexadecimal to ebx
xor edx, edx ; clear edx register
div ebx ; divide the quotient by ebx (16)
push ax ; push remainder to stack
cmp al, 0 ; check quotient
jz .print ; jump to print routine if quotient is 0
add al, 0x30 ; convert quotient (0-9) to ASCII code
cmp al, 0x3A ; check quotient (0-9)
jna .next ; jump to next character if quotient is less than 10
add al, 7 ; convert quotient (A-F) to ASCII code
jmp .next ; repeat until quotient is 0
pop eax ; pop remainder (least significant bit) from stack
add al, 0x30 ; convert remainder to ASCII code
cmp al, 0x3A ; check remainder (0-9)
jna .last ; jump to last character if remainder is less than 10
add al, 7 ; convert remainder (A-F) to ASCII code
mov ebx, 1 ; write to stdout
mov ecx, eax ; result in al register
mov edx, 1 ; number of bytes to write
mov eax, 4 ; call write system call
int 0x80 ; call kernel
; exit gracefully
mov eax, 1 ; system call for exit
xor ebx, ebx ; exit with code 0
int 0x80 ; call kernel