简单的口令检查程序 按下述要求编写口令检查程序(假设正确的口令为8888,正确口令"8888"为字符串)。 (1)若输入口令正确,则提示"You are welcome!\n",程序结束。输入口令的提示信息为:"Please enter password:" (2)若输入口令不正确,则提示"Wrong password!\n",同时检查口令是否已输入3次,若未输入3次,则提示"Pleaseenter again:",且允许用户再次输入口令;若已输入3次,则提示"You have entered three times!You are not welcome!\n",且不允许用户再输入口令,程序结束。 程序运行示例1: Please enter password:123456 Wrong password! Please enter again:2345 Wrong password! Please enter again:1357 Wrong password! You have entered three times!You are not welcome! 程序运行示例2: Input Password:8888 You are welcome! 请帮我写出C语言代码
时间: 2024-02-03 17:03:59 浏览: 258
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char password[5] = "8888"; // 正确的口令
char input[5]; // 用户输入的口令
int count = 0; // 输入次数计数器
printf("Please enter password: ");
while (count < 3) // 最多允许输入3次
scanf("%s", input); // 读取用户输入
if (strcmp(input, password) == 0) // 输入正确
printf("You are welcome!\n");
return 0; // 程序结束
else // 输入错误
printf("Wrong password!\n");
count++; // 计数器加1
if (count < 3) // 还可以继续输入
printf("Please enter again: ");
else // 已经输入3次
printf("You have entered three times! You are not welcome!\n");
return 0; // 程序结束
return 0;