String attendanceid = s.split("=")[1]
时间: 2024-05-22 20:16:25 浏览: 75
This line of code is extracting the value of the attendance ID from a string "s" that is in the format "key=value".
The "split" method splits the string into an array of two strings, using the "=" character as the separator. The second element of the array (index 1), which contains the value of the attendance ID, is then assigned to the variable "attendanceid".
public static List<Map<String, String>> getConnectParamMapList(String connectParamsStr) { String[] split01 = StringUtils.split(connectParamsStr, '&'); LinkedList<Map<String, String>> resultList = new LinkedList<>(); for (String s : split01) { String[] split02 = StringUtils.split(s, '='); String connectParamName = split02[0]; String connectParamValue = split02[1]; Map<String, String> connectParamMap = new HashMap<>(); connectParamMap.put(connectParamName, connectParamValue); resultList.add(connectParamMap); } return resultList; }优化这段代码
');List<Map<String, String>> connectParamMapList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : split01) {
String[] split02 = StringUtils.split(s, ',');
Map<String, String> connectParamMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String s1 : split02) {
String[] split03 = StringUtils.split(s1, '=');
connectParamMap.put(split03[0], split03[1]);
return connectParamMapList;