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设计学生类Student,成员数据包括学号(int Id)、姓名(char name[9])成绩(int score)。根据给定的main函数设计必要的成员函数。 main函数已给定,提交时只需要提交main函数外的代码部分。 #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; //你提交的代码在这里 int main() { Student stu1; cout<<"Show object stu1:"; cout<<stu1.GetId()<<"-"<<stu1.GetName()<<"-"<<stu1.GetScore()<<endl; int no,s; char xm[9]; cin>>no>>xm>>s; Student stu2(no,xm,s); cout<<"Show object stu2:"; cout<<stu2.GetId()<<"-"<<stu2.GetName()<<"-"<<stu2.GetScore()<<endl; cin>>no>>xm>>s; cout<<"Reset and Show object stu1:"; stu1.Set(no,xm,s); stu1.Show(); cout<<"Reset and Show object stu2:"; stu2.Set(); stu2.Show(); return 0; }

``` #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class Student { private: int Id; char name[9]; int score; public: Student() { Id = 0; strcpy(name, ""); score = 0; } Student(int no, char* xm, int s) { Id = no; strcpy(name, xm); score = s; } void Set(int no, char* xm, int s) { Id = no; strcpy(name, xm); score = s; } void Set() { int no, s; char xm[9]; cin >> no >> xm >> s; Id = no; strcpy(name, xm); score = s; } int GetId() { return Id; } char* GetName() { return name; } int GetScore() { return score; } void Show() { cout << Id << "-" << name << "-" << score << endl; } }; int main() { Student stu1; cout << "Show object stu1:"; cout << stu1.GetId() << "-" << stu1.GetName() << "-" << stu1.GetScore() << endl; int no, s; char xm[9]; cin >> no >> xm >> s; Student stu2(no, xm, s); cout << "Show object stu2:"; cout << stu2.GetId() << "-" << stu2.GetName() << "-" << stu2.GetScore() << endl; cin >> no >> xm >> s; cout << "Reset and Show object stu1:"; stu1.Set(no, xm, s); stu1.Show(); cout << "Reset and Show object stu2:"; stu2.Set(); stu2.Show(); return 0; } ```

帮我检测一下代码#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct student { char name[50]; int num[20]; double c,m,e; }; struct student stu1={"Li Meimei",102,78,88,76566}; int main() { cout<<"数据成员名为"<<<<endl <<"数据成员学号为"<<stu1.num<<endl <<"语文成绩为"<<stu1.c<<endl <<"数学成绩为"<<stu1.m<<endl <<"语文成绩为"<<stu1.e<<endl; }

这段代码有两个问题: 1. 结构体中的 num 数组只有 20 个元素,但是在初始化 stu1 时使用了一个长度为 5 的整数,这会导致数组越界。 2. 在输出学号时,应该使用 stu1.num 而不是 stu1.num[0]。 以下是修改后的代码: ```cpp #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct student { char name[50]; int num; double c, m, e; }; struct student stu1 = {"Li Meimei", 102, 78, 88, 76.566}; int main() { cout << "数据成员名为" << << endl << "数据成员学号为" << stu1.num << endl << "语文成绩为" << stu1.c << endl << "数学成绩为" << stu1.m << endl << "英语成绩为" << stu1.e << endl; return 0; } ```


#include<iostream> using namespace std; class CStudent { private: char name[20]; int num; int Chinese, Physical, History; public: CStudent(); //无参构造函数的声明 CStudent(char* pName, int n, int C, int P, int History) ; //有参构造函数的声明 CStudent(const CStudent &stu) //拷贝构造函数 { strcpy(name,; num = stu.num; Chinese = stu.Chinese; Physical = stu.Physical; this->History = stu.History; } ~CStudent() {} char* getName() { return name; } int getNum() { return num; } int getChinese() { return Chinese; } int getPhysical() { return Physical; } int getHistory() { return History; } void operator=(CStudent stu); }; #include"student.h" #include <string> CStudent::CStudent(char *pName, int n, int C, int P, int History) { strcpy(name, pName); num = n; Chinese =C; Physical = P; this->History = History; } void CStudent::operator=(CStudent stu) { strcpy(name,; num = stu.num; Chinese = stu.Chinese; Physical = stu.Physical; History = stu.History; } int main() { cout << "用不带参数的构造函数创建对象:" << endl; CStudent s1; cout << sizeof(s1) << endl; cout << s1.getName() << " " << s1.getNum() << " " << s1.getChinese() << " " << s1.getHistory() << " " << s1.getPhysical() << endl; cout << "用带参数的构造函数创建对象:" << endl; CStudent s2("顾斌", 221404205, 120, 98, 70); cout << sizeof(s2) << endl; cout << s2.getName()<< "顾斌" << s2.getNum() << " " << s2.getChinese() << " " << s2.getHistory() << " " << s2.getPhysical() << endl; cout << "用拷贝初始化构造函数创建对象:" << endl; CStudent s3(s2); cout << sizeof(s3) << endl; cout << s3.getName()<< " " << s3.getNum() << " " << s3.getChinese() << " " << s3.getHistory() << " " << s3.getPhysical()<< endl; cout << "用=给对象赋值:" << endl; CStudent s4; s4 = s2; cout << s4.getName()<< " " << s4.getNum() << " " << s4.getChinese() << " " << s4.getHistory() << " " << s4.getPhysical() << endl; return 1; }

帮我改对#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; enum Grade { E=0,D,C,B,A }; class Student { public: int number; string name; double score; }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Student& p) { return out; } bool compare(const Student& a, const Student& b) { return a.number < b.number; } void printVector(vector<Student>&students) { for (vector<Student>::iterator it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); it++) { cout << *it << " "; } cout << endl; } void test01() { vector<Student>students; printVector(students); } int main() { // 学生信息导入 ifstream infile;"student.txt",ios::in); if (!infile.is_open()) { cout << "文件打开失败" << endl; } vector<Student> students(27); char buf[] = { 0 }; while (infile>>buf) { cout << buf << endl; } infile.close(); // 成绩查询 int choice = 0; while (choice != 4) { cout << "请输入您要进行的操作:\n"; cout << "1. 按学号查询\n"; cout << "2. 按姓名查询\n"; cout << "3. 统计班级成绩\n"; cout << "4. 退出程序\n"; cin >> choice; if (choice == 1) { int number; cout << "请输入学号:\n"; cin >> number; auto it = find_if(students.begin(), students.end(), [number](const Student& s) { return s.number == number; }); if (it != students.end()) { cout << "学号\t姓名\t成绩\n"; cout << it->number << "\t" << it->name << "\t" << it->score << "\n"; } else { cout << "查无此人!\n"; } } else if (choice == 2) { string name; cout << "请输入姓名:\n"; cin >> name; auto it = find_if(students.begin(), students.end(), [name](const Student& s) { return == name; }); if (it != students.end()) {






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![matlab画柱状图]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** MATLAB柱状图是一种图形化工具,用于可视化数据中不同类别或组的分布情况。它通过绘制垂直条形来表示每个类别或组中的数据值。柱状图在信号处理中广泛用于可视化信号特征和进行频谱分析。 柱状图的优点在于其简单易懂,能够直观地展示数据分布。在信号处理中,柱状图可以帮助工程师识别信号中的模式、趋势和异常情况,从而为信号分析和处理提供有价值的见解。 # 2. 柱状图在信号处理中的应用 柱状图在信号处理


HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) 和 RGB (Red, Green, Blue) 是两种表示颜色的方式。下面是将 HSV 转换为 RGB 的计算公式: 1. 将 HSV 中的 S 和 V 值除以 100,得到范围在 0~1 之间的值。 2. 计算色相 H 在 RGB 中的值。如果 H 的范围在 0~60 或者 300~360 之间,则 R = V,G = (H/60)×V,B = 0。如果 H 的范围在 60~120 之间,则 R = ((120-H)/60)×V,G = V,B = 0。如果 H 的范围在 120~180 之间,则 R = 0,G = V,B =

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![MATLAB柱状图在数据分析中的作用:从可视化到洞察]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** 柱状图是一种广泛用于数据可视化的图表类型,它使用垂直条形来表示数据中不同类别或组别的值。在MATLAB中,柱状图通过`bar`函数创建,该函数接受数据向量或矩阵作为输入,并生成相应的高度条形。 柱状图的优点在于其简单性和易于理解性。它们可以快速有效地传达数据分布和组别之间的比较。此外,MATLAB提供了广泛的定制选项,允许用户调整条形颜色、

已知自动控制原理中通过更高的频率特征来评估切割频率和库存——相位稳定。确定封闭系统的稳定性。求Wcp 和ψ已知W(p)=30•(0.1p+1)•(12.5p+1)/p•(10p+1)•(0.2p+1)•(p+1)

根据相位稳定的定义,我们需要找到一个频率 Wcp,使得相位满足 -ψ = -180°,即 ψ = 180°。此时系统的相位裕度为 0°,系统处于边缘稳定状态。 首先,我们需要将 W(p) 表示成极点和零点的形式。将分母和分子分别因式分解,得到: W(p) = 30 • (0.1p+1) • (12.5p+1) / [p • (10p+1) • (0.2p+1) • (p+1)] = 375p/(p+1) - 3750/(10p+1) + 750p/(0.2p+1) - 3750p/(10p+1) + 150p/(p+1) + 30 因此,系统的极点为 -1、-0.1、-0.2、