Complex Complex::operate+(Complex a){Complex m;m.real=a.real+this->rael;}可以不用this吗

时间: 2024-03-27 16:35:23 浏览: 19
可以不用`this`,但是需要将该语句写成以下形式: ``` Complex Complex::operate+(Complex a){ Complex m; m.real = a.real + real; m.imag = a.imag + imag; return m; } ``` 这样做的原因是,当参数和成员变量的名称相同时,需要使用`this`关键字来区分它们。但是,如果你使用不同的名称来表示参数和成员变量,就不需要使用`this`来引用它们了。

sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a closed database.

这个错误通常表示你尝试在已经关闭的数据库连接上执行操作。 例如,如果你在一个已经关闭的连接上尝试执行查询,就会出现这个错误。为了解决这个问题,你需要确保在操作数据库之前,连接是打开的。 下面是一个正确的打开和关闭连接的示例: ```python import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db') # do something with the connection conn.close() ``` 在这个例子中,我们打开了一个连接,并在连接上执行了一些操作,然后使用 close() 方法关闭了连接。 如果你在连接关闭之后尝试执行操作,就会出现 Cannot operate on a closed database 错误。如果你需要在多个函数之间共享一个连接,请确保在所有函数完成后正确地关闭连接。

// 获取表单值 const form = getFieldsValue(); // 条件值的component类型会随着字段的变化发生变化 // 条件值发生变化时获取当前字段列详细数据 const currentFieldData = columnOptions.value.find( (item: Recordable) => item.value === form.field, ) as unknown as Recordable; // 根据字段label const fieldLabel = columnOptions.value.find((item) => item.value === form?.field)?.label; // 判断条件 const conditionType = ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR_BACK.find( (item) => item.value === form?.op, )?.operate; if (form.op === ConditionTypeEnum.IS_NULL || form.op === ConditionTypeEnum.IS_NOT_NULL) { // 判断条件为空、非空时,清空条件值 conditionName = ${fieldLabel ?? ''}${conditionType ?? ''}; } else { // 字段值和判断条件发生变化 let labelText; // 字段变化 if (key === 'field') { if (currentFieldData?.component !== FormElementEnum.SWITCH) { // 清空条件值 await setFieldsValue({ value: undefined }); labelText = ''; } else { await setFieldsValue({ value: 0 }); labelText = '否'; } } else { // 判断条件和条件值变化 // 当前字段有值集时,component类型为ApiSelect if (currentFieldData?.component === FormElementEnum.API_SELECT) { const fieldVsList = await getVsList(currentFieldData.vsId); labelText = fieldVsList?.find( (item: Recordable) => item.itemValue === form.value, )?.itemText; } else if (currentFieldData?.component === FormElementEnum.SWITCH) { // 当前字段类型为boolean时,component类型为Switch,条件值为开关 labelText = form.value === 1 ? '是' : '否'; } else { // 其他 labelText = form.value; } } conditionName = ${fieldLabel ?? ''}${conditionType ?? ''}${labelText ?? ''}; }简化if语句

可以将 if-else 语句简化为三目运算符,如下所示: ``` conditionName = form.op === ConditionTypeEnum.IS_NULL || form.op === ConditionTypeEnum.IS_NOT_NULL ? `${fieldLabel ?? ''}${conditionType ?? ''}` : key === 'field' ? currentFieldData?.component !== FormElementEnum.SWITCH ? (await setFieldsValue({ value: undefined }), '') : (await setFieldsValue({ value: 0 }), '否') : currentFieldData?.component === FormElementEnum.API_SELECT ? ((await getVsList(currentFieldData.vsId)), labelText = fieldVsList?.find((item: Recordable) => item.itemValue === form.value)?.itemText) : currentFieldData?.component === FormElementEnum.SWITCH ? (labelText = form.value === 1 ? '是' : '否') : (labelText = form.value, ''); ``` 这样可以减少代码量,使代码更加简洁。


select a.IMSI, a.GJ, a.YYS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXQQCS, count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXQQCS, case when count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end)=0 then 0 else count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null)/ count(case when substr(b.IMSI,1,5)<>46000 and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MRWZGXCGL, sum(c.MRZJCS) as MRZJCS, sum(c.MRZJHJCGCS) as MRZJHJCGCS, sum(d.MRBJCS) as MRBJCS, sum(d.MRBJHJCGCS) as MRBJHJCGCS, case when sum(c.MRZJCS)=0 then 0 else sum(c.MRZJHJCGCS)/sum(c.MRZJCS) end as MRZJWLJTL, case when sum(c.MRZJCS)=0 then 0 else sum(d.MRBJHJCGCS)/sum(d.MRBJCS) end as MRBJWLJTL, count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXQQCS, count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXCGCS, case when count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end)=0 then 0 else count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 and b.result<>1 then a.IMSI else null end)/ count(case when substr(b.msc,1,2)<>86 and a.GJ is not null and b.operate_code=2 then a.IMSI else null end) as MCWZGXCGL from (select * from TAB_A union select * from TAB_B union select * from TAB_C)a left join (select * from spark_odc_dwd.D_ENS_GMAP_MM where p_hour='#{time yyyyMMddHH}') b on a.IMSI=b.IMSI left join TAB_D c on a.IMSI=c.calling_imsi left join TAB_E c on a.IMSI=c.called_imsi group by a.IMSI, a.GJ, a.YYS




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管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


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【实战演练】时间序列预测用于个体家庭功率预测_ARIMA, xgboost, RNN

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