5.卡车要装载一批货物,货物有三种商品:电视、计算机和洗衣机。需要计算出大货车承载的3种货物的重量。要求有一个ComputeWeight接口,该接口中有一个抽象方法: public double computeWeight(); 设计3个实现接口的类:Television, Computer, WashMachine。这三个类通过实现接口给出自重。 定义一个Car类,该类用ComputeWeight接口类型的数组作为成员,那么该数组的单元可以存放Television, Computer, WashMachine对象的引用。 要求:设计程序能输出Car对象所装载的货物的总重量。
时间: 2024-03-21 15:42:20 浏览: 104
public interface ComputeWeight {
double computeWeight();
public class Television implements ComputeWeight {
private double weight;
public Television(double weight) {
this.weight = weight;
public double computeWeight() {
return weight;
public class Computer implements ComputeWeight {
private double weight;
public Computer(double weight) {
this.weight = weight;
public double computeWeight() {
return weight;
public class WashMachine implements ComputeWeight {
private double weight;
public WashMachine(double weight) {
this.weight = weight;
public double computeWeight() {
return weight;
public class Car {
private ComputeWeight[] goods;
public Car(ComputeWeight[] goods) {
this.goods = goods;
public double getTotalWeight() {
double totalWeight = 0;
for (ComputeWeight good : goods) {
totalWeight += good.computeWeight();
return totalWeight;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ComputeWeight[] goods = new ComputeWeight[3];
goods[0] = new Television(50.0);
goods[1] = new Computer(30.0);
goods[2] = new WashMachine(100.0);
Car car = new Car(goods);
System.out.println("The total weight of the goods on the car is " + car.getTotalWeight() + "kg.");