Benefit of Doubt算法

时间: 2023-11-10 11:29:36 浏览: 29
Benefit of Doubt(BOD)算法是一种用于异常检测的算法。其基本思想是将数据分成正常数据和异常数据两个类别,然后通过建立一个分类器来区分它们。该算法的优点包括: 1. 适应性强:BOD算法不需要预先定义正常数据和异常数据的分布模型,可以自适应地处理不同的数据类型和分布。 2. 准确性高:BOD算法不仅能够识别已知的异常数据,还能够检测未知的异常数据,从而提高了检测的准确性。 3. 实时性好:BOD算法具有较高的实时性,可以及时识别和处理新出现的异常数据。 4. 鲁棒性强:BOD算法对噪声和数据缺失具有较强的鲁棒性,可以处理复杂的实际数据。 5. 易于实现:BOD算法的实现比较简单,不需要复杂的数学模型和算法,易于应用和推广。

cmd提示NOTE: If in doubt, on Unix-ish systems use './config'.

这个提示是在您执行一个命令时出现的,它意味着您可以使用 `./config` 来替代原先的命令,以确保在 Unix 系统上能够正确运行。 通常,这个提示是由于您在 Windows 系统上尝试运行一些 Unix 或 Linux 系统下的命令或脚本所导致的。在 Windows 上,命令的执行方式通常不同于 Unix 系统,因此可能会导致某些问题。 如果您正在尝试在 Windows 上运行一个 Unix/Linux 系统下的命令或脚本,建议您先确认该命令或脚本是否有 Windows 版本或兼容版本可用。如果没有,您可以考虑在虚拟机中运行 Unix/Linux 系统,或者使用 WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) 来运行这些命令或脚本。 如果您确定需要在 Windows 上运行这些命令或脚本,那么您可以尝试使用 `./config` 命令来代替原先的命令,或者参考相关文档进行调整。

用C++求解Some number of people (this number is even) have stood in a circle. The people stand in the circle evenly. They are numbered clockwise starting from a person with the number 11. Each person is looking through the circle's center at the opposite person.You don't know the exact number of people standing in the circle (but this number is even, no doubt). It is known that the person with the number ais looking at the person with the number b (and vice versa, of course). What is the number associated with a person being looked at by the person with the number c? If, for the specified a, b, and c, no such circle exists, output -1.

这道题可以使用模拟的方法来解决。首先,我们可以假设人数为n,从11号开始逆时针编号为0, 1, 2, ..., n-1。那么第一个人a和第二个人b的距离为d1 = (b-a+n)%n,因为是逆时针,所以要加上n再取模。同理,第二个人b和第一个人a的距离为d2 = (a-b+n)%n。由题意可知,a和b相对位置对称,所以d1 = d2,即 (b-a+n)%n = (a-b+n)%n,整理得到 b = (2*a)%n。同理可得,c看到的人的编号为d = (2*c)%n,如果d等于b,则输出b,否则输出-1。下面是C++代码实现: ```c++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b, c; cin >> a >> b >> c; int n = 2 * a; if (b != (n % b)) { cout << "-1" << endl; } else { int d = 2 * c % n; if (d == b) { cout << b << endl; } else { cout << "-1" << endl; } } return 0; } ```


(Telephone Number Word Generator) Standard telephone keypads contain the digits 0 through 9. The numbers 2 through 9 each have three letters associated with them, as is indicated by the following table: Many people find it difficult to memorize phone numbers, so they use the correspondence between digits and letters to develop seven-letter words that correspond to their phone numbers. For example, a person whose telephone number is 686-2377 might use the correspondence indi- cated in the above table to develop the seven-letter word “NUMBERS.” Businesses frequently attempt to get telephone numbers that are easy for their clients to remember. If a business can advertise a simple word for its customers to dial, then no doubt the business will receive a few more calls. Each seven-letter word corresponds to exactly one seven-digit telephone number. The restaurant wishing to increase its take-home business could surely do so with the number 825-3688 (i.e., “TAKEOUT”). Each seven-digit phone number corresponds to many separate seven-letter words. Unfortunately, most of these represent unrecognizable juxtaposi- tions of letters. It’s possible, however, that the owner of a barber shop would be pleased to know that the shop’s telephone number, 424-7288, corresponds to “HAIRCUT.” A veterinarian with the phone number 738-2273 would be happy to know that the number corresponds to “PETCARE.” Write a program that, given a seven-digit number, writes to a file every possible seven-letter word corresponding to that number. There are 2187 (3 to the seventh power) such words. Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0 and 1.



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解答下列问题:S—>S;T|T;T—>a 构造任意项目集规范族,构造LR(0)分析表,并分析a;a

对于这个文法,我们可以构造以下项目集规范族: I0: S -> .S S -> .T T -> .a I1: S -> S. [$ T -> T. [$ I2: S -> T. I3: S -> S.;S S -> S.;T T -> T.;a 其中,点(.)表示已经被扫描过的符号,;$表示输入串的结束符号。 根据项目集规范族,我们可以构造出LR(0)分析表: 状态 | a | $ ---- | - | - I0 | s3| I1 | |acc I2 | | 其中s3表示移进到状态3,acc表示接受。在分析字符串a;a时,我们可以按照以下步骤进行

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